Got the Valley dark and early today around 6:00 and very relieved to find the gate to the causeway open. Strange morning, the roads which are usually empty at that hour had a fair amount of cars on them I guess with people doing some last second maneuvering before the storm. The parking area at the boatramp though was completely deserted, I was the only car there. A few boats did make it out today, but I only counted 3 trailers when I left at 9:30.
I managed 3 LMB on the day, decent fish - 2 of them in the 1 to 1.5 LBS range and one (in pic) about 2 LBS. I caught the first one on a 6" finesse worm, the second one on a 5" finesse worm and the third one in the pic on a tube which I was using targeting pickerel. Glad to see I can still get a bite with 20 LBS leader but really wanted to see how it would hold up with a pickerel.
It was dark when I got there and kind of a weird vibe with the storm ahead. The water was
really calm upon arrival and stayed that way until around 8:30 or so. When the wind did pick up it was all over the place, I'd have a tail-wind for a few minutes then it would blow against me and then from left to right. The bite totally died at that time, not a single tug once the wind hit. Any case glad I was able to get out for a few hours and hook into a few fish, 3 fish on 3 different rods was a first for me.