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Old 05-08-2023, 09:24 AM
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Default Re: Striped Bass Slot

Originally Posted by Stanton327 View Post
I just allocated about 15 minutes of my life to read this thread b/c I enjoy stripper fishing and have no problem abiding by reasonable measures to protect the fishery. Two thoughts come to mind; to anybody who thinks a fee for a saltwater license in NJ would put the funds into our camp is completely delusional!! The Trenton scumbags would use it for their own interests. Second, sorry to call you out bud, but Reason162 I can’t think of any other way to describe your logic/thinking as a (??) who is working against ensuring the charter guys and party boat captains can continue earning a living!!
Goes to show how little you have been involved with our fisheries
Trenton knows they can’t mess with that money
That’s why they don’t chase it . They only chase money they can steal .
Money from excise tax comes with parameters how it can be spent .

Funniest part is you are paying the excise tax on all the tackle you buy .
Yet doing nothing to get its protections back for something you claim to love .

Captain Dan Bias
Reelmusic IV

Fifty pound + , Striped Bass live release club

Last edited by hammer4reel; 05-08-2023 at 04:44 PM..
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Old 05-08-2023, 02:17 PM
Broad Bill Broad Bill is online now
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Default Re: Striped Bass Slot

Originally Posted by hammer4reel View Post
Enforcement has to come from license sales
Don't mean to beat a dead horse but I've already posted the regulations which state specifically "license fees are required to go to the administration of state wildlife agencies".

Not trying to stir the pot, just reading the legislation and how these funds get funneled through the system. You've indicated saltwater license fees would be used exclusively for salt water improvements and give NJ more in excise taxes. Those license fees, as agreed to by all 50 states, would go directly into the state wildlife agency and used completely at the agencies discretion which doesn't mean exclusively for salt water improvements or for that matter salt water improvements at all. It also doesn't guarantee increased enforcement and a salt water license wouldn't increase New Jersey's annual portion of excise tax funds by one dollar. I'm not saying there's not a benefit somewhere, but your statements about how these funds are spent and the impact on increased excise tax funding to New Jersey aren't correct.

Last edited by Broad Bill; 05-08-2023 at 03:01 PM..
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Old 05-08-2023, 04:42 PM
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Default Re: Striped Bass Slot

Originally Posted by Broad Bill View Post
Don't mean to beat a dead horse but I've already posted the regulations which state specifically "license fees are required to go to the administration of state wildlife agencies".

Not trying to stir the pot, just reading the legislation and how these funds get funneled through the system. You've indicated saltwater license fees would be used exclusively for salt water improvements and give NJ more in excise taxes. Those license fees, as agreed to by all 50 states, would go directly into the state wildlife agency and used completely at the agencies discretion which doesn't mean exclusively for salt water improvements or for that matter salt water improvements at all. It also doesn't guarantee increased enforcement and a salt water license wouldn't increase New Jersey's annual portion of excise tax funds by one dollar. I'm not saying there's not a benefit somewhere, but your statements about how these funds are spent and the impact on increased excise tax funding to New Jersey aren't correct.
A week ago you didn’t even know you were paying
Now you will tell me how they are used
Do more research as google doesn’t tell you all the parameters in one link
And their are federal links that give you getter break downs

Everything else aside
We don’t get squat of what we could get because Recs are too cheap and think they know it all .

Just like guys thinking our entire fisheries should be built around the 745 for hire boats instead of the fisheries themselves .

I state money for enforcement comes from the license fees NOT the excise tax .
You post it comes from license sales and think I said different

Your 138k registered was one year not every year .
But seems your comprehension only lasts through the first thing you read .

You should jump on the band wagon to do away with the excise tax
Even though it’s one of the few things that were written into law to protect our interests . Since the small amount for a salt water fishing license is wasted money to you .
Captain Dan Bias
Reelmusic IV

Fifty pound + , Striped Bass live release club
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Old 05-08-2023, 05:32 PM
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Default Re: Striped Bass Slot

Originally Posted by Stanton327 View Post
Second, sorry to call you out bud, but Reason162 I can’t think of any other way to describe your logic/thinking as a (???) who is working against ensuring the charter guys and party boat captains can continue earning a living!!
No worries, someone disagreeing with me on the internet won't keep me up at night.

The captains will all be better off with more abundance of fish in the ocean - how will they make a living once the stock collapses?

Again - short sighted to the nth degree.
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Old 05-08-2023, 05:40 PM
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Default Re: Striped Bass Slot

Originally Posted by hammer4reel View Post
But seems your comprehension only lasts through the first thing you read .
It's obvious when someone is googling only for info that supports his intractable point of view.

Every state ensures their share of excise taxes - except NJ. Every state voted for the emergency measures - except NJ.

We must be doing something right - everyone else haven't a clue.
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Old 05-08-2023, 07:27 PM
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Default Re: Striped Bass Slot

Originally Posted by reason162 View Post
It's obvious when someone is googling only for info that supports his intractable point of view.

Every state ensures their share of excise taxes - except NJ. Every state voted for the emergency measures - except NJ.

We must be doing something right - everyone else haven't a clue.
Sadly that’s why NJ anglers get the short end of the stick .
Look at everyone else’s fluke regs . Black fish regs etc .
Ny boats fishing our waters for 6 weeks before black fish opens here .
While I know FG wants to make things better knowing enough of those involved , their hands are tied . Their budget minimal , over worked , under paid .
Yet when supposed sportsman in this state are asked to chip in . They quickly say NO , then spend all year complaining .

The states I have fished in having a license reflect quickly on how important recreational fisherman are to their state .
Nj could care less if we fish or don’t .

Captain Dan Bias
Reelmusic IV

Fifty pound + , Striped Bass live release club
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Old 05-08-2023, 08:07 PM
pectoralfin pectoralfin is offline
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Default Re: Striped Bass Slot

On YouTube ON The Water Media has a session about Striper Management: Emergency Action Explained with Mike Waine
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Old 05-09-2023, 11:36 AM
Broad Bill Broad Bill is online now
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Default Re: Striped Bass Slot

You guys are too funny. "Recs are too cheap and think they know it all!" Pretty classy. "New Jersey with a saltwater license will get a greater share of excise taxes", that's an impossibility based on the formula that allocates excise taxes from the federal government to states. New Jersey's demographics and population are too small for that to happen, I've said that repeatedly but it appears to be a concept neither of you can wrap your heads around.

Reason you seem to be an intelligent guy, but your role on the site seems to be limited to criticizing everyone else's posts. Hammer if you don't appreciate being challenged with opposing points of view, don't make posts with misinformation.

Fyi, New Jersey would be required to put proceeds from salt water license fees into the state agency. Law requires 24% of those funds to be used for enforcement. So take 138,000 people in the state registry at $2 per license (which I doubt would be the fee) or $276, 000 if we use your numbers. 24% of 276,000 is approximately 67,000 that would go to law enforcement if we adopted a salt water license or maybe one new law enforcement officer. Or maybe we can do what you're suggesting and make for hire and party boat anglers also required to have a saltwater license, put party boats and for hire businesses more at risk of going out of business and hire maybe eight more law enforcement officers for the entire state. I'm sure the sponsors of the site absolutely love your combined logic.

Last edited by Broad Bill; 05-09-2023 at 11:39 AM..
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Old 05-09-2023, 12:11 PM
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Default Re: Striped Bass Slot

Originally Posted by Broad Bill View Post
You guys are too funny. "Recs are too cheap and think they know it all!" Pretty classy. "New Jersey with a saltwater license will get a greater share of excise taxes", that's an impossibility based on the formula that allocates excise taxes from the federal government to states. New Jersey's demographics and population are too small for that to happen, I've said that repeatedly but it appears to be a concept neither of you can wrap your heads around.

Reason you seem to be an intelligent guy, but your role on the site seems to be limited to criticizing everyone else's posts. Hammer if you don't appreciate being challenged with opposing points of view, don't make posts with misinformation.

Fyi, New Jersey would be required to put proceeds from salt water license fees into the state agency. Law requires 24% of those funds to be used for enforcement. So take 138,000 people in the state registry at $2 per license (which I doubt would be the fee) or $276, 000 if we use your numbers. 24% of 276,000 is approximately 67,000 that would go to law enforcement if we adopted a salt water license or maybe one new law enforcement officer. Or maybe we can do what you're suggesting and make for hire and party boat anglers also required to have a saltwater license, put party boats and for hire businesses more at risk of going out of business and hire maybe eight more law enforcement officers for the entire state. I'm sure the sponsors of the site absolutely love your combined logic.

You don’t think Recs are cheap .
Google how few donate to any of the people that fight for our fishing rights .
How few guys got involved in SSFF and how few took the time to march in Washington .

Lots guys take time to complain and don’t do anything to help their own cause .

Want to use the resource . Should need a license even if it’s only a daily license to use the resource .

Captain Dan Bias
Reelmusic IV

Fifty pound + , Striped Bass live release club
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Old 05-09-2023, 12:42 PM
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Default Re: Striped Bass Slot

Originally Posted by Broad Bill View Post
You guys are too funny. "Recs are too cheap and think they know it all!" Pretty classy. "New Jersey with a saltwater license will get a greater share of excise taxes", that's an impossibility based on the formula that allocates excise taxes from the federal government to states. New Jersey's demographics and population are too small for that to happen, I've said that repeatedly but it appears to be a concept neither of you can wrap your heads around.

Reason you seem to be an intelligent guy, but your role on the site seems to be limited to criticizing everyone else's posts. Hammer if you don't appreciate being challenged with opposing points of view, don't make posts with misinformation.

Fyi, New Jersey would be required to put proceeds from salt water license fees into the state agency. Law requires 24% of those funds to be used for enforcement. So take 138,000 people in the state registry at $2 per license (which I doubt would be the fee) or $276, 000 if we use your numbers. 24% of 276,000 is approximately 67,000 that would go to law enforcement if we adopted a salt water license or maybe one new law enforcement officer. Or maybe we can do what you're suggesting and make for hire and party boat anglers also required to have a saltwater license, put party boats and for hire businesses more at risk of going out of business and hire maybe eight more law enforcement officers for the entire state. I'm sure the sponsors of the site absolutely love your combined logic.

As far as misinformation , don’t watch the podcast just done with Mike waine .
As you will hear from the Massachusetts rep , the same things I’m saying about the benefit of a salt water license . And the improvements they were able to make ..
Funny how states that also didn’t want a SWL now are glad they did it .

If anything besides getting our moneys back from the excise tax .
A salt water license would possibly allow more teeth in enforcement of guys poaching from the resource .
And would give a louder voice for the recreational guys , who always get the short end . When many more than the SW REGISTRY anglers numbers are shown to be using the resource .
There are lots of people who should be registered that could care less .

Captain Dan Bias
Reelmusic IV

Fifty pound + , Striped Bass live release club
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