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Old 01-23-2017, 01:05 PM
Abrasion Abrasion is offline
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Default Re: Twins VS Single Debate

Originally Posted by Capt. Frank View Post
True that. And the maintenance on one is less, and likely even more so since Preventive Maintenance("PM") is more affordable. Throw stuff out BEFORE it breaks.

Low front end costs, more PM expended, and LESS things to break and have to fix (K-I-S-S Principle)

Captain Frank- I just upgraded the towing on my boat policy to 2,000 per incident. In your experience, is that enough to get me back home if I break down from everything short of the Chicken Canyon?
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Old 01-24-2017, 11:17 AM
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Capt. Debbie Capt. Debbie is offline
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Default Re: Twins VS Single Debate

That's the biggest job I've seen since 1999. Rates are $300/hour home dock to home dock for tow boat. Towed back in at 5 knots? Forget Chicken Canyon. Maybe the west side of the Mud hole?

Who's you're boat insurer. Sea Tow has partnered with Progressive Insurance.

Originally Posted by Abrasion View Post
Captain Frank- I just upgraded the towing on my boat policy to 2,000 per incident. In your experience, is that enough to get me back home if I break down from everything short of the Chicken Canyon?
Capt. Debs
Tow boat captain/salvor
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Old 01-24-2017, 01:24 PM
Abrasion Abrasion is offline
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Default Re: Twins VS Single Debate

I have Markel. They have actually been a good marine insurer to me. I quoted Progressive this year. their policy has a HUGE hole in that it limits oil spill liability coverage. You can't buy a limit that covers you 100% of the legal maximum and it is part of the liability limit under their policy. Markel gives you a separate limit for it. That's been the driver for me. An 850k debt to Uncle Sam for my boat sinking would end up sinking me....

So basically 2k at 300 an hour gets me 6 and 2/3 hours of time so roughly 20 miles from your home dock at 5.8 mph.

2k is the most that they offer.

Last edited by Abrasion; 01-24-2017 at 01:31 PM..
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Old 01-25-2017, 11:01 AM
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Capt. Debbie Capt. Debbie is offline
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Default Re: Twins VS Single Debate

What happens is you pay the tow company and the insurance co re-imburses you. With Progressive you pay nothing.

That is a marine policy? Most do not understand homeowner add ons do no cover salvages, replacement, spills. Many do NOT know that.

Originally Posted by Abrasion View Post
I have Markel. They have actually been a good marine insurer to me. I quoted Progressive this year. their policy has a HUGE hole in that it limits oil spill liability coverage. You can't buy a limit that covers you 100% of the legal maximum and it is part of the liability limit under their policy. Markel gives you a separate limit for it. That's been the driver for me. An 850k debt to Uncle Sam for my boat sinking would end up sinking me....

So basically 2k at 300 an hour gets me 6 and 2/3 hours of time so roughly 20 miles from your home dock at 5.8 mph.

2k is the most that they offer.
Capt. Debs
Tow boat captain/salvor
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Old 01-25-2017, 04:32 PM
bulletbob bulletbob is offline
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Default Re: Twins VS Single Debate

IMHO, if you are going out further than maybe 8-10 miles, twin power makes more sense.. However a lot depends on boat size.. If you don't go out to the canyons , maybe just the Mudhole, a big single and a good strong kicker would be fine, as long as you realize it might be a 6 or 7 hour ride in.. In any case, in any salt water situation, I never go out without a spare motor, and sometimes I have 3 motors, plus oars.. In my 18 foot Starcraft, I have a 100, a 6 hp on a bracket, and a 2 hp stowed, all with separate fuel sources, and 2 paddles.. My 15 footer has a 30, a 2 hp gas , and a bow mount electric, and 2 paddles. My 14 foot Grumman side console has a 28, a bow mount electric and oars in oarlocks.. Getting stuck out there without backup propulsion is no joke and is nothing I want to ever deal with... Before I go out, usually the night before, I run all motors I will have on the boat to make sure they are firing up, and working ok...I have never had to be towed in, but over the years have rescued several people that were stranded without power.. Usually it ended my fishing trip, but thats trivial,,
Over the years I have witnessed several boaters ignore people trying to flag down someone to help, pass within feet, and just throw a wake on them.. Must be an awful feeling being stuck at sea or even in a big bay with the wind blowing you further away from the ramp... I have had problems a few times over the decades with non starts, breakdowns etc, but always managed to cob something together to get back to the ramp. Its a sickly feeling, especially when there are few or no other boats around... Nowadays, I tend to go into overkill mode.. If I had a true salt water boat that went offshore, I would always have twins, and even a small kicker if i could fit it on... bob

Last edited by bulletbob; 01-25-2017 at 04:43 PM..
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Old 01-25-2017, 10:47 PM
Abrasion Abrasion is offline
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Default Re: Twins VS Single Debate

Originally Posted by Capt. Frank View Post
What happens is you pay the tow company and the insurance co re-imburses you. With Progressive you pay nothing.

That is a marine policy? Most do not understand homeowner add ons do no cover salvages, replacement, spills. Many do NOT know that.
Markel is a boat policy. I am far more scared of an oil spill liability than I am paying an extra grand for a longer tow. I literally spent 30 minutes trying to explain to the Progessive rep that Oil Spill Liabilityis capped by Uncle Sam at $854,400 and that I wanted coverage up to that limit. It wasnt available.

Think about the costs of the following scenario, Something happens, I hit a boat with my boat, and we both sink. He happens to be driving a brand new CC with trip 300s on it. Ive basically eaten through my 300k limit on just the boat I hit. Then the coast guard shows up and we start leaking hundreds of gallons of gas into Raritan Bay. The Coast Guard drops booms and then will send me a bill. And it will be a six figure bill. Since I have no more insurance available, im even responsible for the salvage operation to raise the boats out of pocket. Im broke and screwed for life with Uncle Sam garnishing my wages.
That is why Progressive cant be my insurer.
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Old 01-26-2017, 11:57 AM
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Default Re: Twins VS Single Debate

Problem I was getting to is most boater get an add on to the homeowner policy cover boat value. Problem is, aside for outright theft you are in a hole. A friend has his boat wrecked on trailer with Sandy. Insurance paid boat value- $13,000. The Marine wanted $9800 for its retrieval costs. And another $1000 for disposal. Many do not know it. Sure its better than nothing. But you will not be happy with the ending in many cases.

After you get done, you're buying nothing.

Trailer guys are much much lower risk. The boat is only in the water 10 or so times a year with someone always on board. Compare to a moored boat in water 180 days a year, with 170 days no one is within miles of it.

The spill liability has a lot to do with how much oil is spilled. How many barrels? A gallon or two if any oil leaked? Realistically $800,000 to recover that & fine. And I've done a couple of dozen salvages. 26 feet an under float. And will float for days bow and keel to the skies. Aside from west bumf*ck there will be multiple tow boats on scene while you're there who will be fighting for salvage rights. $100-200 per foot to bill your insurer.

Caution is good. But there comes a point.

Originally Posted by Abrasion View Post
Markel is a boat policy. I am far more scared of an oil spill liability than I am paying an extra grand for a longer tow. I literally spent 30 minutes trying to explain to the Progessive rep that Oil Spill Liabilityis capped by Uncle Sam at $854,400 and that I wanted coverage up to that limit. It wasnt available.

Think about the costs of the following scenario, Something happens, I hit a boat with my boat, and we both sink. He happens to be driving a brand new CC with trip 300s on it. Ive basically eaten through my 300k limit on just the boat I hit. Then the coast guard shows up and we start leaking hundreds of gallons of gas into Raritan Bay. The Coast Guard drops booms and then will send me a bill. And it will be a six figure bill. Since I have no more insurance available, im even responsible for the salvage operation to raise the boats out of pocket. Im broke and screwed for life with Uncle Sam garnishing my wages.
That is why Progressive cant be my insurer.
Capt. Debs
Tow boat captain/salvor
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NJ Boating College- Lead Instructor
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Last edited by Capt. Debbie; 01-26-2017 at 12:04 PM.. Reason: Additions
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Old 01-26-2017, 06:27 PM
Abrasion Abrasion is offline
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Default Re: Twins VS Single Debate

Capt Frank- PM me your contact number please. I'd like to have it onboard in case something goes south. Ill have a new motor in the spring, but you know that's when they blow up in the first 10 hours.
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