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Old 03-27-2016, 01:28 PM
Billfish715 Billfish715 is offline
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Default Re: Fluke Season is Open

There is no doubt that there are many large fish which are discarded by the commercials draggers once their quota is filled. There is video of large fluke being thrown back, dead, by a commercial dragger once his quota was filled. Small fish become large fish eventually, except for the males. Whether a commercial fisherman or a recreational fisherman harvests those fish should not make a difference. In my opinion, charter boats are in the commercial business too. This has been argued before. Charter captains should be able to get their fair share of the pot for their customers as well. How do you explain to fishermen who only want to have fun and take home some fish, that they have to throw practically everything back even though they paid more money to fish than they would spend in a supermarket for a fish dinner? When and "if" there is a decline in the fluke population, then, perhaps, regulations like we have now, should be imposed. Right now, leave it alone. If we drop the size limits it would mean we would be catching more of the male fish which would seem to be to your point about taking the pressure off the reproductive larger females. Fishing for smaller males along the beaches takes pressure off the larger females in the deeper, sticky places. If you are looking for bigger fish then go there. If not, leave them alone and fish for the table, inshore where we have always fished for them.

Also raising the commercials size limits could be a double edge sword.

Based on the science (which oh by the way is being party funded by the SSFFF) practically every Fluke over 18 inches is a female. I don't think we want their quota filled with female breeder fish. I'd much rather see them keep smaller fish.

Lastly, if you increase their size limit what happens to the smaller by catch fish? It makes no sense for them to be discarded, shouldn't they be kept and couunt towards their quota?

I'm certainly no expert here and would be interested to hear others opinions.[/QUOTE]
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Old 03-27-2016, 02:59 PM
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Default Re: Fluke Season is Open

Originally Posted by tautog View Post
No more flounder?...*LFAO* Plenty of flounder, just not people fishing for them due to the regs.
There is no where near the numbers of flounder there used to be, not even close. Don't know if it's commercial, commorants whatever but years ago that fishery was incredible. You'd catch all sizes as well in the spring from postage stamps to jumbos, sign of a very healthy fishery. I don't think today's fishery is 10% of what it was and that's after what 6 or 7 basically closed seasons. Are there flounder around if you target them yes, but to suggest it's what it was remotely is absolutely not true.
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Old 03-27-2016, 03:10 PM
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Default Re: Fluke Season is Open

Problem with commercial isn't simply what's allowed, it's the black market illegal netting which I would venture to say takes probably more than the guys who abide by the rules. The numbers have to be staggering. Recreational will never deplete a fishery ever. Commercial will and has repeatedly. Add government involvement and motivations and we have a crisis on our hands. Not sure what the answer is if there is one. World is becoming overpopulated and people need to eat and greedy politicians need their kick backs. The only reason stripers made a came back is there was a ban in most states commercially. If you want to conduct a test, open up stripers to commercial netting in every state and I guarantee you that fishery will collapse like it did in the 80's in a few years. Can't be sustained, especially an inshore species with a north / south migration. Technology is too advanced and migratory patterns are too predictable. We have an 18 inch limit and commercial guys can keep 13 inch fish that retail sells for 12.99 lb! With that price tag, don't care how many hands it passes through or who ultimately makes a profit the fishery will never rebound.
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Old 03-27-2016, 03:40 PM
NoLimit NoLimit is offline
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Default Re: Fluke Season is Open

Originally Posted by tautog View Post
No more flounder?...*LFAO* Plenty of flounder, just not people fishing for them due to the regs.
Speak for yourself. There are plenty of us who remember what winter flounder was like in the rivers and bay in the 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's. I have been out twice this year in ideal conditions meaning right water temp, outgoing tide, sunny day plus pulled out all the stops with chum, corn and plunger.

Not One Hit!!! They are pretty much gone.
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Old 03-27-2016, 05:01 PM
june181901 june181901 is offline
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Default Re: Fluke Season is Open

Capt. Sal: A friend of mine who owns a commercial license but hasn't used it in two decades told me the pound nets will soon be a thing of the past in NJ. As the owners of pound net permits leave this earth the permits go with them and are not reissued. At least this will alleviate some of the commercial pressure on the resources.
I hope what he told me is accurate.
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Old 03-27-2016, 06:10 PM
RussH RussH is offline
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Default Re: Fluke Season is Open

Decrease the quota and let them raise prices. Recreational anglers should have their size limit adjusted back down also. I can't wait to see the results of the SSFFF study. We're murdering breeders and tossing back perfectly good eating fish for no reason as the commercials laugh to the bank. Yeah the deck hands may not be rolling in cash but the owners I'm not crying for.
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Old 03-27-2016, 09:57 PM
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Default Re: Fluke Season is Open

Originally Posted by bulletbob View Post
With all due respect.. If there's no or little money, than get out,, Very simple.. Hell, I drove a damn school bus and most of the drivers I work with are over 30 k a year, and a few are in the 50-60 K range.. If these poor souls that fish commercially are driving rusted out junk, living in shacks, and have no health insurance, get the hell out, and do something else.. We'll put them to work up here starting at $15 an hour, top benefits, pension, and TONS of time off.. Must be similar work in NJ, another big union state... Personally I don't buy the "poverty wages" shtick... If things are that bad and these guys are not eating well, can't afford a doctor, can't pay for gas and slip, they need to GET OUT and leave the fish in the ocean... Sorry, money, BIG money is being made, or there would be no commercial fishing glut as we have today.... bob
Sorry Bob your not going to get any sympathy from me I know what it's like I lived it. As far as that $15 an hour that's a big BS I lost my job 10 years ago. I have a great resume & in the last 10 years I couldn't come close to making those $15 an hour wages that you claim are out there. I have no medical insurance & thank god my wife does & 60% comes out of her pay. I have not taken a vacation in over 10 years because time off is no pay. How about using Christmas,New Years Day & Easter as days you got to make up there are no paid holidays at my job. You see there are no jobs out there tons of time off as you claim. I know if there was work out there giving you $15,top benefits, & tons of time off sign me up I will be there tomorrow. Ask anybody who graduates from college & ask them if they wouldn't take that. I don't know where you got that from but it's not from this state & that's for sure. You obviously don't know anybody in the business & overate the job market in a big way. And by the way I did give quite a few School bus company's my resume as well & I never heard the phone ring once. I live a drug free life & have a good driving record as well. Right now I'm too old to do this type of work but when I first lost my job I would have taken that position in a heart beat. Right now I'm happy just to have a job & I'm glad that I had somebody out there that was willing to hire me. Thank god it was not in the commercial fishing industry but the benefits are the same. I would love to see you work a commercial boat for 2 weeks & see what it's like . The grass is not always greener on the other side.
If it eats Green Crabs it's a Blackfish. If it hates Blackfisherman it's the NMFS.

Last edited by Blackfish Doug; 03-27-2016 at 11:01 PM..
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Old 03-27-2016, 10:42 PM
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Default Re: Fluke Season is Open

Originally Posted by RussH View Post
Decrease the quota and let them raise prices. Recreational anglers should have their size limit adjusted back down also. I can't wait to see the results of the SSFFF study. We're murdering breeders and tossing back perfectly good eating fish for no reason as the commercials laugh to the bank. Yeah the deck hands may not be rolling in cash but the owners I'm not crying for.
I agree with you 100% but most of the people who own the businesses own them for a very long time. And most of them have been handed down for many generations. It's always been the middle man who makes the money it's been that way my whole life. BTW those fish look like they have been on Ice for quite some time it looks like there are not too many people looking to buy the Fluck at $12.99 a pound.
If it eats Green Crabs it's a Blackfish. If it hates Blackfisherman it's the NMFS.

Last edited by Blackfish Doug; 03-27-2016 at 11:00 PM..
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Old 03-28-2016, 09:08 AM
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Default Re: Fluke Season is Open

Originally Posted by dakota560 View Post
Recreational will never deplete a fishery ever.
One of the few who get it!

Rod and reel will never deplete a fishery.




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Old 03-28-2016, 11:38 AM
NoLimit NoLimit is offline
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Default Re: Fluke Season is Open

Let them eat Tilapia and farm raised Salmon. Regs have to change to make it hook and line fishing only for fluke and flounder.
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