Minutes of the meeting of the nj fish and game council
Chief Barno reported for the Bureau of Freshwater Fisheries. This week 5,700 trout will be stocked, mostly brown but also some rainbow brood stock. The end of fall stocking will be from the rainbow brood stock. More fish will be released in November. All fish released in the spring will be rainbow trout. Per Assistant Director Herrighty’s suggestion, a bar code will be printed on stocked cold water and warm water stocking signs. This bar code can be scanned to download a PDF of the complete trout stocking schedule, making information easier to be obtained by anglers and to be updated by the Division. Testing will be done in advance by putting signs on trees before printing, although UV ink cannot be tested in advance. P. Tarlowe will be able to track how many people are using the bar codes. Field surveys are almost all completed. All streams designated as wild trout streams have been surveyed, and will be looked at for the Fish Code two years from now. Reproductive checks are completed for bass and sunfish to assess water bodies on the list for supplemental stocking through Hackettstown. Round Valley Reservoir will be checked next week for lake trout. The Bureau received 2,000 salmon from Massachusetts, 1,000 of which will be swapped out and held for next spring. Acting Chairman Burke asked about production for next year. Chief Barno responded that the baseline for the formula is 570,000 rainbows, which will be 10.5‐11 inches
Central Region Office Robbinsville, NJ October 14, 2014