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Old 09-06-2010, 07:56 PM
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Default Is it just me...?

Is it just me or does this "research quota" seem like another big fat bribe being forced down the working mans throat.

$3000 for 3 more weeks of fluke fishing? Just wait till the state or the feds figure out that they can get away with this!

I don't blame the guys that bought into --they're trying to stay afloat-- but it is bad news.

This is the equiv of what the feds are calling "Catch Shares." Simply put: the guy with the most money will keep fishing while the ones who are just paying ther bills will get washed away with the tide.
Captain Bob Bogan
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Old 09-06-2010, 08:14 PM
sportfishingusa sportfishingusa is offline
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Default Re: Is it just me...?

Originally Posted by captbogan
Is it just me or does this "research quota" seem like another big fat bribe being forced down the working mans throat.

$3000 for 3 more weeks of fluke fishing? Just wait till the state or the feds figure out that they can get away with this!

I don't blame the guys that bought into --they're trying to stay afloat-- but it is bad news.

This is the equiv of what the feds are calling "Catch Shares." Simply put: the guy with the most money will keep fishing while the ones who are just paying ther bills will get washed away with the tide.

I always wondered if this RSA crapola was all a test on the goverment and affiliatede bodies, to see who was willing to pay to continue to fish. I mean the best fluke fishing "could" be yet to come, and to see all these boats pay the money for a little more time seems like a "trap" to me.

I really hope we are all wrong on this and it is just what it is and the catch shares are not even a thought in the future.
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Old 09-06-2010, 08:17 PM
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Default Re: Is it just me...?

Originally Posted by sportfishingusa
I always wondered if this RSA crapola was all a test on the goverment and affiliatede bodies, to see who was willing to pay to continue to fish. I mean the best fluke fishing "could" be yet to come, and to see all these boats pay the money for a little more time seems like a "trap" to me.

I really hope we are all wrong on this and it is just what it is and the catch shares are not even a thought in the future.

I'm glad you see it too.
Captain Bob Bogan
Brand New 90 Foot Party Boat Gambler
Sailing Daily From Point Pleasant Beach, NJ
Old 09-06-2010, 08:53 PM
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Default Re: Is it just me...?

It's just another tax.
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Old 09-06-2010, 09:01 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Is it just me...?

Overall I don't like the idea of the Permit, but if the 3 weeks of fishing produce big fish and then intern attract big crowds, the capt's will take advantage of the opportunity for the following years, but as said it can be a trap to pay extra money, especiallly when you can be fishing for a different species without paying $3000 and still hopefully making good money.

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Old 09-06-2010, 09:09 PM
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Default Re: Is it just me...?

Is it 3 weeks or they fish until they catch the amount of pounds they purchased ?
Old 09-06-2010, 09:18 PM
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Old 09-06-2010, 09:28 PM
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Default Re: Is it just me...?

expiration on the permit is 1/1/11, or until you hit your poundage. I think.
Captain Shrimpy
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Old 09-06-2010, 10:23 PM
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Question Re: Is it just me...?

It's a shakedown! It's total BS. I don't blame the P boat's that pay the $$ for it cause they are trying to make a living. If $$ can extend a fluke season why not give the average rec fisherman a chance ..let say a research stamp for $30 for 3 weeks?? What's fair for one should be fair for all...

To me the fluke season is over....time to move on...its as simple as that!

Now its time to zero in on albies...bonita...bass and bottom fish!

And thats what i am going to do!
Old 09-06-2010, 10:55 PM
RussH RussH is offline
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Default Re: Is it just me...?


Originally Posted by PorgyBoy
I can understand this RSA permit on a business only view. However it highlights the fact that money talks and make no mistake this isn't about science its about cash.
Wrong. 100% wrong. 1000% wrong. The whole point was to get science paid for with private money where gov't money did not exist. Since the average joe is not gonna just fork over thousands of dollars to pay for research, the fish that were set aside ahead of time (before any allocation was done or the fishing year began) are auctioned off. This is how the money is raised to pay for the research. The boats that purchase the fish are taking the risk that when the time comes to use those pounds of fish that they paid for that the "price is right". For a commercial boat that means the price per pound at market for a for-hire boat that means will enough people come to offset the inititial purchase price.

This isn't just some special permit that let's you fish indefinitely.

Again the little guy is left outside in cold unless he fishes on the party boat with the permit. I love my fluke fishing dearly but I don't agree with the permit system at all! If the season is closed, it is closed for all. Yes, I do want the party boats to say in business and make money. I feel it is a dieing trade. If the fuel costs don't kill you the regs and the tree huggers will! Anyway if the last few weeks is any indicator on how the rest of the extended season will go people are going to loose interest anyway. Once the kids are in school and football starts you will see most of the day trippers fade from the scene. Yes that will be a good thing for the regulars this will mean more fishing space and less tangles. Can a party boat turn a good profit on a mid-week day off season fluking with just 10-15 regulars? I guess so. Will it be a big draw, maybe for a week or two and I really hope I am wrong. But closed means closed, not maybe!

Apparently you do not understand how this works or how our regs work.

Some magical permit was not simply purchased to allow fishing to continue. No such permit exists and no money exchanged hands to get the scientific exemption permit. Neither the state nor the federal government gets one red cent of RSA money. It is used to pay for the research projects.

Now on to this "closed is closed" stuff. The season length is based on our, amongst other things, the amount of quota we have to fish on vs. the avg. catch per day. (much more complicated than that but you get the idea)

The fish being caught by the boats that paid for RSA quota are not getting something special or something extra. They too are fishing on quota. Scientifically allowed quota. Fish that were always meant to be harvested. Difference is these fish (up to 3% of the total quota) were set aside to help fund and/or be used in research projects that would not have otherwise been done had they not been paid for by boats buying the quota.

It is amusing to say the least that all the self righteous come out of the woodwork now that recreational anglers can finally harvest the quota they have been donating to research for over a decade. But, when it was only commercial boats harvesting OUR QUOTA TOO no one said a word for the last ten or 15 years.
I like this explanation. Aren't you guys related? Because those are far opposite views.

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