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Old 01-02-2010, 04:11 PM
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Default Not Happy

I just registered for the "free registry" I know the RFA supports it but I almost had a #$^%ing stroke as I filled it out.

This is just a precursor of what is to come. A license in NJ that you will have to pay for sooner or later. The money will be misappropriated and you will not get squat except a ticket for not having one. I guarantee it. I'll bet my last cod rod on it.

You don't have to be a scientist to figure this crap out. Oh and by the way I am sure asking registered anglers what they are catching will be very helpful. Please! Give me a break.

I have an idea!! Why don't they(NOAA) ask us what we, as fisherman think the problems are. Maybe someone fishing for the last 10, 20, 0r 30 years has a few #$&*ing ideas.

Here are a couple I have.....

1) Stop beating the crap out of all the forage fish like mackerel, bunker and herring for starters.

2) Stop killing the breeders and netting fish while they are spawning.

3) Try enforcing the existing regulations.

4) If you have to shut down fisheries because of previous poor management of the fishery, compensate the fisherman, both Recreational and Commercial until the fishing improves.

Feel free to shout out some ideas. Maybe someone will read it.

See you in D.C.

National Saltwater Angler Registry

Thank you for registering!

You are now one of our 12 million angler partners in the National Saltwater Angler Registry.

Here is your temporary Angler Registry card that can be printed and used as proof of registration until the official registration card is delivered. The official registration card will be waterproof and tear resistant and should be delivered within 30 days of registration to the address entered during registration.

If you do not have immediate access to a printer, you can simply write down your registration number to use while fishing. You will need to present this to law enforcement should they ask.

PLEASE NOTE: If a state license or registration is required for your fishing activity, you will need to have that license or registration in addition to this federal registration card.

EXPIRES: 01/01/2011


Old 01-02-2010, 05:52 PM
Tin Squid Tin Squid is offline
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Angry Re: Not Happy

Yes, we have to register to get screwed...isn't that a hoot! I'm looking forward to the 24th of February. The whole fisheries council approach is broken and needs major league fixing. If you have an IQ over 7, you can see it (how bad the NMFS et al is) plain and clear. What a shame!
Old 01-04-2010, 11:07 AM
ALS Mako ALS Mako is offline
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Default Re: Not Happy

just registered....one thing, if noaa is doing this to get more info, why not ask what fish people plan on targeting, rather than where they will be fishing. most fisherman know what they like to go fishing for, as to where- spur of the moment trips may lead you across state lines. just an obsevation...lord help us!!!
and this one time at band camp.....
Old 01-04-2010, 04:16 PM
CaptTB CaptTB is offline
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Default Re: Not Happy

Originally Posted by ALS Mako
just registered....one thing, if noaa is doing this to get more info, why not ask what fish people plan on targeting, rather than where they will be fishing. most fisherman know what they like to go fishing for, as to where- spur of the moment trips may lead you across state lines. just an obsevation...lord help us!!!
The dockside observations/interviews are to determine catch. The registry is to determine who is fishing and who to contact for the effort part of the survey (how many trips you make, not what you caught)
Old 01-04-2010, 05:42 PM
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Default Re: Not Happy

Leif....is it possible we are related????
They say great minds thing alike, couldn't have said it any better!!!
Old 01-05-2010, 04:33 PM
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Default Re: Not Happy

Originally Posted by CaptTB
The dockside observations/interviews are to determine catch. The registry is to determine who is fishing and who to contact for the effort part of the survey (how many trips you make, not what you caught)
From the NOAA link.


By registering, recreational anglers will make their catch count," said Jim Balsiger, acting NOAA assistant administrator for NOAA’s Fisheries Service. “The National Saltwater Angler Registry is an important tool that will enable us to better estimate the health of marine fisheries so that we’re able to preserve the pastime of recreational saltwater fishing for generations to come."

Sounds like they will be counting what we catch although these surveys are used by NOAA scientists to assess the health of fish stocks and to estimate the economic contributions of anglers.

Old 01-05-2010, 06:51 PM
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Default Re: Not Happy

Originally Posted by 1captainron
Leif....is it possible we are related????
They say great minds thing alike, couldn't have said it any better!!!
Capt. Ron,

I think we have these guys figured out. Give em an inch and they'll take a yard. All of a sudden the NOAA is working on it... All of a sudden they are going to make phone data collecting more effective and accurate.....Why now??? All of a sudden they need the money.

It's like anything else....Take drunk driving for example. The Fed. gov't and NJ doesn't want to stop or fix it. If they did they would just have to pass laws that said, if you get caught you loose you license for life. You can never drive again. It makes money. That law will never be passed.

They don't want to fix anything, just make money on it.

Like I said get a ^%#&ing list of people who actually know what the @#$* they are talking about and ask them.

I can't wait for my phone call.....

Ring Ring...


NOAA..... Yes this is the NOAA. Do you have a few moments for a few questions on your fishing habits??

Leif....Go ^%#* yourself!


Last edited by Leif; 01-05-2010 at 07:02 PM..
Old 01-05-2010, 07:43 PM
dales529 dales529 is offline
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Default Re: Not Happy

This is exactly the S**T that got me so involved a year ago. After listening to the BS that NOAA and NMFS were doing and what the SSFFF, RFA have been fighting for years I couldnt think past the anger. Keep the angst and posts going because everyone needs to be THAT pissed off before anything even has a chance of changing and even then its a battle.

Hit your arm on something and then type up another great post.

RFA-NJ Member
Old 01-05-2010, 08:45 PM
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Default Re: Not Happy

Originally Posted by dales529
This is exactly the S**T that got me so involved a year ago. After listening to the BS that NOAA and NMFS were doing and what the SSFFF, RFA have been fighting for years I couldnt think past the anger. Keep the angst and posts going because everyone needs to be THAT pissed off before anything even has a chance of changing and even then its a battle.

Hit your arm on something and then type up another great post.


Get mad! or get even.

I don't want to drive or take a GD bus to Washington with you guys. I want to spent it at home doing nothing, having a couple of drinks and passing out on the sofa.

Do you think I want to spent 4 hours on some stinking bus with you guys???? A few hours on a boat is enough.

NO I DON'T...... But I have to. Because I am sick of this crap. I don't care about and T shirts or any effing slogan. I don't care about donating shyte to any organization. Like I said I don't even want to go. But I will go. But I won't go alone.

In fact, I don't care if anyone goes but if you don't, you better be prepared for the concequences.

I am scared. I don't like what is going on. If we show up in weak numbers it will look bad. I have a bad feeling about this already.


Old 01-05-2010, 11:54 PM
CaptTB CaptTB is offline
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Default Re: Not Happy

Originally Posted by Leif
Get mad! or get even.

I don't want to drive or take a GD bus to Washington with you guys. I want to spent it at home doing nothing, having a couple of drinks and passing out on the sofa.

Do you think I want to spent 4 hours on some stinking bus with you guys???? A few hours on a boat is enough.

NO I DON'T...... But I have to. Because I am sick of this crap. I don't care about and T shirts or any effing slogan. I don't care about donating shyte to any organization. Like I said I don't even want to go. But I will go. But I won't go alone.

In fact, I don't care if anyone goes but if you don't, you better be prepared for the concequences.

I am scared. I don't like what is going on. If we show up in weak numbers it will look bad. I have a bad feeling about this already.


Damn, you just stole my entire post! I just read it and thought....."I don't remember typing what I was thinking, but I guess I did. Oh wait, someone else posted the same thing I was thinking!!"

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