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Old 04-28-2017, 08:40 PM
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Lard Almighty Lard Almighty is offline
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Thumbs up Another one hooked for life!

So, I rolled up to a local pond after work, hoping to get the weekend started off with some largemouths. No sooner did I walk up to the edge of the pond when a young boy asked if he could watch me fish. I was hoping to film an episode for my Youtube channel, but sparing a few moments seemed like the right thing to do, so I said, “Sure!”

The boy, Luan, watched for a while, told me how he has never been fishing before, “but we are going to,” asked about five times if I had caught one, and gave me casting advice. (“Throw it like a sword!”) I felt like I knew where this was leading, so I tied on a lure that was a little easier to fish. Sure enough, a few cast later Luan asked, “Can I try?”

I won’t lie, I felt a little nervous handing over my $300 baitcasting setup to a kid who has never fished before. I turned the spool tension way up to prevent backlashing as much as possible, and handed it to him. The first two casts I had to walk him through it, but after that he was casting with nary an instruction from me. He was getting some pretty good casting distance, too. After several casts (and only a small amount of goofing around to entertain himself), he, of his own decision, decides he wants to stop the bait so a fish can find it. I enthusiastically told him what a good idea it was.

I saw a few bubbles come up where his lure was.

No way…

His line starts to move off.


The line comes tight, and I yell, “You got one! You got one! Reel him in!”

Of course, Mom hears the commotion and comes running over just in time to see her son reel an 8” largemouth all the way to the rod tip. I unhooked the fish and held it in front of Luan, who was smiling wide. I asked if he wanted to hold it, but he declined. I understood (fish are pretty slimy, after all). So, I held Luan’s first fish for him while he posed for some pictures, no doubt destined for social media. Then Luan gave me the okay to let the fish go. It swam off nice and strong. Who knows? Maybe someday that bass will be someone else's first fish.

I let him fish a little while longer before Mom said it was time to leave. She let him have one last cast. Then one more. Then ONE more. Luan’s already got the hang of this fishing thing, if you ask me.

After Luan left, so did I. No matter how many fish I would have caught, there’s no way it would have topped what had just happened.

In case you’re wondering, Luan’s first fish came on a 4” Keitech Easy Shiner in chartreuse shad, on a 1/16 oz. jighead, with a stop-and-go retrieve.

Another one, hooked for life!
Now the sun is just starting to climb up over the treetops,
And it's gonna be a beautiful day, that's plain to see.
But I won't be around at all, so don't even bother to call,
Cause on a day like today there's one place I gotta be:

Fishing with LardAlmighty on YouTube
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Old 04-28-2017, 09:24 PM
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Default Re: Another one hooked for life!

I have had a similar story, fishing a park pond next door to a school and kids always come up interested. One time had 8 kids and damn I felt pressured lol. I eventually showed them a nice sunfish. Then later got one of the kids to catch another and a catfish by himself.

I felt a similar feeling to what you got; it's x10 more awesome that someone you teach catches a fish than yourself.

The cool thing is that kids will remember that as what fishing is. Not what someone tells them what it is (such as booo it's bad to fish ) they might not get into fishing asap, I got into fishing seriously 8 years after my dad took me.
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Old 04-28-2017, 09:44 PM
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Lightbulb Re: Another one hooked for life!

This is how they do it in Pennsylvania:
2017 Mentored Youth Trout Days

March 25 (regional) and April 8 (statewide) - 8 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Take part in the Commission’s Mentored Youth Trout Days. Youth under the age of 16 can join a mentor (adult) angler who has a current fishing license and trout permit to fish on Saturday, March 25 on Stocked Trout Waters within the 18 southeastern regional counties for regional trout season, and to fish and to fish Stocked Trout Waters in the remaining counties on Saturday, April 8. Please note:
•These days do not include Special Regulation waters.
•Not all Stocked Trout Waters are stocked in advance of Mentored Youth Trout Days, be sure to check our stocking schedules for dates.

Adult Anglers

To participate in the Mentored Youth Fishing Day, anglers 16 years of age or older (adult anglers) must possess a valid Pennsylvania Fishing License and be accompanied by a youth (less than 16 years of age) who has obtained a Mentored Youth Fishing Permit or Voluntary Youth Fishing License from the Commission. While mentors will be permitted to fish for trout, they are not permitted to harvest trout and must release them unharmed.

Youth Anglers

Youth anglers must obtain a Mentored Youth Fishing Permit or Voluntary Youth Fishing License from the Commission and be accompanied by an adult licensed angler in order to participate. Youth may harvest up to two trout (combined species) with a minimum size of 7 inches

Last edited by AndyS; 04-29-2017 at 04:56 PM..
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Old 04-28-2017, 09:46 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Another one hooked for life!

In Pennsy they let the kids (and kids only) fish before opening day of trout season.
Nice job on the mentoring !!!
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Old 04-28-2017, 09:56 PM
Bill Willix Bill Willix is offline
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Default Re: Another one hooked for life!

That was a great story. Im 54 years old and when I was a boy we fished all summer long. It is great when you hear about a young boy who wants to fish.I know just like the rest of the people on this site how my first fish changed my whole life and 50yrs later fishing is still one of my greatest joys. You gave that boy a great gift Good Job
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Old 04-28-2017, 10:27 PM
Mtrap Mtrap is offline
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Default Re: Another one hooked for life!

What a man . After a day full of bs it was refreshing to read such a story . Probably one of the best gifts that boy will ever have .
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Old 04-29-2017, 09:15 AM
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Default Re: Another one hooked for life!

LA great story! Kids and fishing are a natural. If more kids were introduced to the sport early on, their lives would be incrementally better. Aside from the therapeutic benefits of the sport, fishing teaches kids patience (or they at least get exposed to it early), respect for the outdoors, respect for the resource and as Luan experienced because of your mentoring a sense of accomplishment and pride. I'm convinced if more children were introduced to fishing the right way, we'd have less kids whose lives revolve around social media and more kids with a sense of purpose and better values in this world. LA while that experience was fulfilling for you, I guarantee you Luan will be talking about it for weeks if not months. Something we should all think about if we ever have a chance to take a child fishing, it'll change their life. Great job!
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Old 04-29-2017, 09:32 AM
Esox Luciano Esox Luciano is offline
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Default Re: Another one hooked for life!

Originally Posted by Mtrap View Post
What a man . After a day full of bs it was refreshing to read such a story.
Ditto. Kinda therapeutic reading in itself, this thread. Tipping my hat towards you LA...cheers brother!!🍻🍻 And Amen!!!
You can't catch fish from ur couch.
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Old 04-29-2017, 10:51 AM
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Default Re: Another one hooked for life!

Best fishing post i have read all season. Way to go L.A. !!
If you want to hear me scream in pain............play some rap music
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Old 04-29-2017, 05:15 PM
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JimmyL JimmyL is offline
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Thumbs up Re: Another one hooked for life!

Awesome stuff. That's something he'll probably never forget.
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