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Old 12-01-2016, 09:59 PM
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Question Re: Worst Mate Ever!! Captain ?

Originally Posted by Gerry Zagorski View Post
7282 views on this post and half that on the Fluke Regulations Acting Needed post.... Is it just me or does this turn other people's stomachs??

Where has our moral compass gone?? Are we more interested in drama and controversy then we are in protecting our rights to fish??

This is very troubling to me
I am a recreational fisherman and I attended both fisherman rallies down in D.C. and you are asking a question that will never get a good answer in my opinion. Apparently fisherman are great at complaining but when it comes time for us to stand together and have our voices heard and counted...most of them are too busy. Which is pretty sad and was obvious by the the attendance.

Back to the original poster...sorry for the hijack and again I feel your pain and if it went down as you posted you have every right to be pissed about it.
Old 12-01-2016, 10:14 PM
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Exclamation Re: Worst Mate Ever!! Captain ?

I read and get all said about not naming the boat BUT, Many of us have to do as much scouting and homework as we can because we don't get to make many trips, and when we do, we have to make the most of them, our money, friends and family we bring with AND,
the major reason most come here is to see the reports, see what boats are catching, AND to hear how trips went on what boats. The good, the bad and as earned Yes, the ugly too. What is the point in having a reports website if a bad boat is protected? Who is the site for then? The angler, or the advertiser?
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Old 12-01-2016, 10:28 PM
Ryelof Ryelof is offline
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Default Re: Worst Mate Ever!! Captain ?

I wasn't going to reply to this but since no one defended Capt's and mates I will. I have been on a lot of charters where the Capt. and mate have fished. I have fished on the Mimi VI where both Capt. Kenny and Chris / Brandon have fished never once was a fisherman ever waited. (unless Chris was making fun of me) they would fish and give the catch to the charter. Another example is the Roman Round, Capt Mugger and Andy fish, but no one waits for anything (unless they ae busting my fishing abilities). One of my real complaints is Fish Stix, Mate/Capt. Darren never misses a fishermans needs and dead sticks 12lb. Blackfish.......now that pisses me off. I could go on, Reel Class, Jersey Nutz, Russian Roulette.....a lot of Great Captains and mates that fish and provide exceptional service
Old 12-01-2016, 11:42 PM
parrotinct parrotinct is offline
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Default Re: Worst Mate Ever!! Captain ?

This is a painful thread to read, but the poster does have a voice that needs to be read. It's pretty simple math and some clicking on links to figure the supposed culprit. I have been fishing on NJ PB's since the 70's and OB Charters for the last 10 year's. There are some phenomenal PB & OB on this site and some not as desirable. Do your research, read reports, who goes out regardless of full boats and see which boats post old pictures of "Epic" day's. You will find your boat and get the great service you pay for.

Would The Star Ledger or Asbury Park Press ever throw one of their week ad sponsors under the bus / boat no, neither will Gerry.

Personally I had an OB cancel on me the day prior and then posted pic's of the great day they had when I went to work rather than fishing. Think I ever stepped foot on that OB or made a recommendations to fellow fisherperson's never.

Too bad Trump dont fish, we could get the quota's fixes in the first 100 days next year.
Old 12-02-2016, 12:18 AM
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Default Re: Worst Mate Ever!! Captain ?

Originally Posted by parrotinct View Post

Would The Star Ledger or Asbury Park Press ever throw one of their week ad sponsors under the bus / boat no, neither will Gerry
Just to provide clarity on your comparison, the ledger and nj.com does this ALL the time. They have an ethical and legal responsibility to report facts. Hospitals that spend tens or hundreds of thousands a yr to advertise with them are reported upon as they should be for safety and health violations. Restaurants who spend on media get bad reviews, too. You cannot compare nj's largest news media company to our lovely fishing forum.

Advertising and journalism are separated like church and state at the ledger and on nj.com...as it should with Gannett's media entities. Unlike media outlets, Gerry has the privatized right as a business owner to censor posts/posters especially if it impacts his ability to keep this bad boy up and running.

Good call Gerry. No need to negatively impact the incremental revenue needed to keep this humming. PM the guy if you wanna know the boat.

And did anyone look into my Facebook recommendation regarding the fluke reduction issue? I did an audience audit and a series of posts for like $200-300 could've reached over half a million people in nj!!!
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Old 12-02-2016, 08:56 AM
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Default Re: Worst Mate Ever!! Captain ?

Originally Posted by Gerry Zagorski View Post
7282 views on this post and half that on the Fluke Regulations Action Needed post.... Is it just me or does this turn other people's stomachs??

Where has our moral compass gone?? Are we more interested in drama and controversy then we are in protecting our rights to fish??

This is very troubling to me
Not a fair comparison, I only needed to look at the Action post once and take action, there is no need for me to click to read the additional posts that say "done"

Drama posts, you never want to miss the good ones before they get deleted so you click and reclick
Old 12-02-2016, 09:53 AM
parrotinct parrotinct is offline
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Default Re: Worst Mate Ever!! Captain ?

Originally Posted by Jigman13 View Post
Just to provide clarity on your comparison, the ledger and nj.com does this ALL the time. They have an ethical and legal responsibility to report facts. Hospitals that spend tens or hundreds of thousands a yr to advertise with them are reported upon as they should be for safety and health violations. Restaurants who spend on media get bad reviews, too. You cannot compare nj's largest news media company to our lovely fishing forum.

Advertising and journalism are separated like church and state at the ledger and on nj.com...as it should with Gannett's media entities. Unlike media outlets, Gerry has the privatized right as a business owner to censor posts/posters especially if it impacts his ability to keep this bad boy up and running.

Good call Gerry. No need to negatively impact the incremental revenue needed to keep this humming. PM the guy if you wanna know the boat.

And did anyone look into my Facebook recommendation regarding the fluke reduction issue? I did an audience audit and a series of posts for like $200-300 could've reached over half a million people in nj!!!
Yes, but as a trusted news outlet these two publications would never run an article without a reliable source and more knowledge the suspected villain boat. While the post here is member of our online community and entitled to his voice heard, without naming names little credibility from a pure journalist stand point.
Old 12-02-2016, 10:16 AM
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Default Re: Worst Mate Ever!! Captain ?

Jerzee John posts a report about a sponsor boat, Chrisper tells EVERYONE you can pm the OP for the name and the cry for someone to be tar and feathered continues. If the boats name was posted this thread would triple in size. Don't know about everyone else but that's not what attracts me to NJF and as Gerry said it's not why he created the site, Believe him when he says sponsors keep the site going and running a site like this while hopefully being a financial benefit to him for his efforts is a thankless tiring task. One we should not forget is for our benefits. We all know there's sites out there that are absolute trash, NJF is the gold standard. That's not by happenstance, it's because there's a tremendous effort daily to keep this a fishing site and not a sowing circle for grousing.

JJ's post is probably as good as it gets. Guy feels compelled to let us all know there's in his opinion a problem boat who happens to be a sponsor. elects not to turn this into the court of public opinion. I agree 100% with that. But as Chrisper pointed out, he'll be more than happy to PM the name for anyone who takes 30 seconds to send him a pm. Some take the time to gripe about the name not being made public but in the time it took to gripe could have sent a pm to the OP to obtain the name. Unfortunately it's human nature in the word we live in today, everyone wants information and they want it immediately. Keep forcing members to disclose information which for whatever reason goes against their moral fabric and all we're collectively doing is creating a disincentive to post anything and we'd be worse off for it. This is a perfect use of the PM feature to facilitate sensitive matters, use it and everyone gets what they want without the drama. It's actually accommodates ALL opinions voiced without WW III breaking out.

This thread should be filed under the adage "Be careful what you ask for, you might get it!" If you what NJF to become another worthless site don't expect the benefits we receive from it today because it could go down the toilet in a heart beat like so many others have. Would be a shame for us and more so for Gerry. Show some respect for sponsors, members and the owner who made this all possible. It costs us NOTHING yet most here visit the site every day and would be jonesing if it were gone.

JJ balanced out everyone knowing while not falling into the trap most of us do which is turning the thread into a shit storm. Something we can all learn and benefit from. In the tight community we live in, a few pm's and half the board will know who the boat is and the court of public opinion can and will take it from there. Don't ruin this site in the process.......PLEASE!

Last edited by dakota560; 12-02-2016 at 11:34 AM..
Old 12-02-2016, 10:26 AM
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Default Re: Worst Mate Ever!! Captain ?

Originally Posted by parrotinct View Post
Yes, but as a trusted news outlet these two publications would never run an article without a reliable source and more knowledge the suspected villain boat. While the post here is member of our online community and entitled to his voice heard, without naming names little credibility from a pure journalist stand point.
Two way street. Fake names on the internet except the sponsors?I would let this go and move on to more important things. Bad trip and not happy-don't book him again. With all due respect there are always two sides to a situation like this.I am by no means saying the Capt and mate were right but who are we to judge on the word of one person. It got 9,000 hits and i bet my bottom dollar out of those 9,000 there are many who never gave a dime to Save the Summer Flounder cause. Said my piece and done.
Old 12-02-2016, 10:33 AM
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Default Re: Worst Mate Ever!! Captain ?

I would like to share some of my thoughts and felling's on some of the posts on this thread. I purposely did not post the name of the Boat out of respect for Gerry and this site. I do not feel it is right to call out one of Gerry's sponsors in an open forum like this. That being said my son had tipped the mate in the beginning of the trip over the standard 20% mainly because we own restaurants which are also a service business and have found that money in most cases motivates people to do a better job. Unfortunately that was not the case in this instance. Plus had we not done that and I stiffed him at the end of the trip that would have made me no better than him. Call me Crazy but that's how service people think. I have answered many members PM with the info so if you would like more information fell free to PM me.

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