Hi my name is Don. I'm running for President of the New Nited States.
I am aware that many among you don't get your fair share of Big Striped Bass. If I'm elected, you will have 2 wire line rods and reels on every boat, and a case of Miller lites.

Hey Mr Trump, the election isn't until next year, all the fish will be getting away.

Yes, in the meantime you can go to Kevin Bogan's tackle and get a pair of Fish Poison wire line rods and catch all the striped bass you can crank in!!!! Let me give you the phone #, I know those guys, 732 892 8822

I got the ones that cost $200+ and the guides are falling off, the reel seats are spinning, the action isn't right, and well I got ,.,SCREWED!!!! the ones that cost $250 are just as bad, nothing but junk!

That's because Fish Poison rods feature aluminum butts, the best butt assembly anywhere. They also have heat sealed/center braced carbaloy guides, and the perfect taper for trolling the lures. Let me make this clear, Fish Poison rods will make America great again!

In fact Fish Poison rods will put the Atlantic Ocean on the Map.

Oh no, I spent my money on the rods that don't hold up. What do I do now????

Vote for me, and I 'll see to it that we can work out a deal with those Fish Poison guys. And remember, FISH POISON rods are built in the USA!

Hey Don, Captain Poison here, WE just pulled down 2-8'6" wire line rods off the dry racks. They have striper decals on them, they look killer, guaranteed to catch fish, and we will offer them to anyone who wants to catch big fish for:
2-Rods $235 ea $470
2-113HSP Penn wire line reels $149 ea 298
2 wire assemblies/monel/the best $74 148
$916.00 discount $66.00 = $850 PLUS TAX
Deal for Fish loving Americans $850 plus sales tax
you know, I have made many deals, but that is the best one yet
[reels loaded with 100 yds ea/premarked, 40 lb top shot, haywired to spro swivels]