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Old 04-07-2008, 10:18 AM
shresearchdude's Avatar
shresearchdude shresearchdude is offline
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Default Re: Blues,blues,blues!!!!!!!!!

Bluefish spawn at least 2X - in spring and late summer. There are additional events of spawning, sometimes you can find the tiny guys from an additional event late into August.
As they are coming up from NC? waters there is spawning going on in the South Atlantic Bight and then it happens in the North Atlantic bight in mid-summer. There is only some evidence of tiny bluefish in the rivers(up by River Plaza), but there are no eggs found anywhere else but offshore NJ waters. You need the eggs to prove where it happened, after they hatch they get swept into our systems.
The opinions offered here are mine and not that of my employer.

Old 04-07-2008, 08:45 PM
Luna Sea 3's Avatar
Luna Sea 3 Luna Sea 3 is offline
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Default Re: Blues,blues,blues!!!!!!!!!

Then I need to ask, why are the 10-15 lbs female breeder bluefish up the Navisink and Shrewsbury river for 2 week or so in April or early May.
Luna Sea 4
28' Grady Sailfish
Twin 200 Johnsons

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