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Old 04-04-2013, 10:53 PM
O'Connor O'Connor is offline
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Default Re: The charter/party industry...

Originally Posted by Andreas Toy
O'connor, should be in a Northeast Charter-Party boat Captains-Business owners shoes and you would understand. Price-gouging maybe the wrong term used, pardon my use of words, maybe low-balling is a better word?

Well, charter captains do not have the market cornered on highly competitive business climates. I also have to compete with "regional" players who are 1/20th the size of my company, but often can provide a better price due to much lower overhead etc. They have the right to price cheap and I compete with them and and do well. Many business have to deal with cheaper prices coming from overseas...the list goes on. It is the same everywhere. I am a good customer, tip well and enjoy fishing on charter boats. I also have absolutely zero aspirations to be a charter captain. The original question was about pricing for a day of fishing. If a guy wants to charge cost to take people fishing he will be of no consequence for the truly talented captains such as yourself. Although I have never fished with you I would like to when I get back that way as your reputation is excellent. I doubt you would fear a part timer in an 18 foot bayliner who takes tourists fluking from Memorial day to Labor day. He will never be able to touch your customer base.
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Old 04-04-2013, 10:59 PM
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Default Re: The charter/party industry...

O'conor, totally agree with your observations, as they say Life is Bitch, it's amazing that all of our life struggles even touch fishing, which is suppose to be the escape?
Capt Fred Gamboa
Andreas Toy Charters
(732) 672-1561
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Old 04-04-2013, 11:40 PM
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Default Re: The charter/party industry...

Originally Posted by Fish Tank
since my name was brought up concerning this ridiculous controversy over pricing, i feel i have to speak my mind. first, i want to make it perfectly clear i wish only the best for my comrades who are involved in the charter and party boat industry. nobody, i repeat ,nobody is going to dictate how i run my business. my prices are set for one purpose, to take care of my patrons most of whom have been with me for over twenty years. these folks are hard-core fishermen and need to fish every week. they are mostly blue collar workers and i am not going to price them out of their passion for what we love to do. when you get on any boat that i run you can expect a clean and well equipped craft and great service. regardless of price you can bet you will receive 110 percent from my crew and me. yes, you will be rigged up, fish cleaned and anything that contributes to a great day on the water. most of all, more often than not, i will put you on the meat! any doubts, give me a shot. sincerely, capt. tom joseph
Definitely, will give you shot. Please keep me posted on any open charters. Speak your mind Capt!
Jay Santiago

"For the rich there is therapy for the rest of us there is fishing"

"A bad day of fishing turns into a good day of drinking" ����
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Old 04-04-2013, 11:59 PM
O'Connor O'Connor is offline
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Default Re: The charter/party industry...

Originally Posted by Andreas Toy
O'conor, totally agree with your observations, as they say Life is Bitch, it's amazing that all of our life struggles even touch fishing, which is suppose to be the escape?

I saw a program on tv the other night where guys walk around the woods yelling like idiots and banging pieces of wood together. They call it "squatching" aka bigfoot hunting. maybe I will take that up as a hobby in lieu of fishing.
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Old 04-05-2013, 02:44 AM
sportfishingusa sportfishingusa is offline
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Default Re: The charter/party industry...

Originally Posted by Fish Tank
since my name was brought up concerning this ridiculous controversy over pricing, i feel i have to speak my mind. first, i want to make it perfectly clear i wish only the best for my comrades who are involved in the charter and party boat industry. nobody, i repeat ,nobody is going to dictate how i run my business. my prices are set for one purpose, to take care of my patrons most of whom have been with me for over twenty years. these folks are hard-core fishermen and need to fish every week. they are mostly blue collar workers and i am not going to price them out of their passion for what we love to do. when you get on any boat that i run you can expect a clean and well equipped craft and great service. regardless of price you can bet you will receive 110 percent from my crew and me. yes, you will be rigged up, fish cleaned and anything that contributes to a great day on the water. most of all, more often than not, i will put you on the meat! any doubts, give me a shot. sincerely, capt. tom joseph
Just for the record tom, i did not bring you up in this thread one bit, and being ridiculous is not really what this thread is. It was concerning why people charge below standard aka low balling if you might call it. I am simply stating, why charge less when you can charge more, numbers are number, math is math, add it up and if you charge 3/4 of what you could charge, then you are selling yourself short in the long run and working hard to make less money.

Seasons are short in this area, unless you travel around and have a full book year round to maximize your potential, the 200 max posssible days you can really fish up here are not going to really cut it, but that is just my opinion.. and like i said, this was general, one of your customers or friends or whatevers, brought your name up, no one else in this discussion did that.
If you dont have a wreck chart and need numbers from an old salt, please call 1800-Dead Money.
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Old 04-05-2013, 08:03 AM
jenny lee sportfishing jenny lee sportfishing is offline
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Default Re: The charter/party industry...

vin, 1:44 am you musta been out on a job.

i leave brielle@3:40 every day

Captain Ryan Britt, Keegan Froschauer and Kevin Gerrity

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Old 04-05-2013, 01:36 PM
sportfishingusa sportfishingusa is offline
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Default Re: The charter/party industry...

Originally Posted by jenny lee sportfishing
vin, 1:44 am you musta been out on a job.

i leave brielle@3:40 every day

All day every day dave. lol We should start meeting for breakfast. lol
If you dont have a wreck chart and need numbers from an old salt, please call 1800-Dead Money.
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