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Old 03-04-2013, 09:56 AM
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Default Something you might want to read

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Old 03-04-2013, 10:08 AM
Chico Chico is offline
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Default Re: Something you might want to read

Quite obvious to those of us who eat our own catch. There was a big bust here in S Fla. a while back. Most of the grouper was swaii, some kinda Vietnamese catfish!! $18. a lb VS $4. a lb. Hard to believe they could pass king mac as grouper, but anything is possible. I know that no one here sells Amberjack that is labeled amberjack, so I am not sure what they do with the tons of AJ the commercials are catching?! Even buying them whole does not eliminate all fraud. Many fisheries, right on the water at the marinas IMPORT a lot of the fish they are selling. People think they are getting local fresh fish, when in fact it is shipped in from overseas, and not all that fresh.
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Old 03-04-2013, 02:12 PM
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And why do we "IMPORT" rather than live off what we catch in the U.S.?Because most of the fishermen have been forced out of business from the BS regs and controls that are put in place in this country. A sustainable fishery my ASS. Catch shares and Big Brother now want there cut of the pie. Yes, let's have the Government take care of us....BS.

Think about people who go to the market thinking they just bought a piece of Grouper for $18 a pound, turns out to be Blackfish cause Blackfish are somewhat in the grouper family or the guy who thinks Shit eating talapia, raised in tanks are a delicasy because it's backed by the Gordens fisherman!!! LOL

Farm raise Salmon on Sale for $15 a pound!! Eat enough of that you either Shit your pants or your skin turns pink.....Guess I better leave it at that.
"I Fish, I Vote, I Marched"

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Old 03-04-2013, 03:01 PM
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Default Re: Something you might want to read

[QUOTE=1captainron]And why do we "IMPORT" rather than live off what we catch in the U.S.?Because most of the fishermen have been forced out of business from the BS regs and controls that are put in place in this country. A sustainable fishery my ASS. Catch shares and Big Brother now want there cut of the pie. Yes, let's have the Government take care of us....BS.

Capt. Ron , good to see you back on line . Didn't some of us go to DC to try and stop this very thing ? Our Goverment should let us take care of our selves. It's getting so bad that restaurants along the border in Mexico have to buy their fish in America because the Mexican Commercial fleet gets better prices selling to American Importers . Asian Fish/Shrimp farms put more and more American Fishermen out of work every day . I won't anything that's not wild caught or I have caught myself . Before long there will be no Watermen left . We'll be eating fish flavored Tofu or shaped Big eye Pollock mush and watching fish on TV .
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Old 03-04-2013, 06:07 PM
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Default Re: Something you might want to read

We basically only eat what we catch. We eat fish about 4x a week, so that "forces" us to fish a lot. Exceptions are we will buy shrimp, smoked whiting which we luv for lunch and rarely salmon and tuna - we're real good at throwing a lot of money at trying to catch tuna with very little success.

I really don't get talapia or swai - have tasted it, know it's very cheap, but has no taste nor texture.
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Old 03-04-2013, 06:43 PM
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Default Re: Something you might want to read

I spoke to a mate on a sponser boat a few years back and some of the asain mongers wanted large SB as they would pass it off as Chilean seabass! At $20 a pound!
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Old 03-04-2013, 07:01 PM
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Default Re: Something you might want to read

Originally Posted by 1captainron
And why do we "IMPORT" rather than live off what we catch in the U.S.?Because most of the fishermen have been forced out of business from the BS regs and controls that are put in place in this country. A sustainable fishery my ASS. Catch shares and Big Brother now want there cut of the pie. Yes, let's have the Government take care of us....BS.

Think about people who go to the market thinking they just bought a piece of Grouper for $18 a pound, turns out to be Blackfish cause Blackfish are somewhat in the grouper family or the guy who thinks Shit eating talapia, raised in tanks are a delicasy because it's backed by the Gordens fisherman!!! LOL

Farm raise Salmon on Sale for $15 a pound!! Eat enough of that you either Shit your pants or your skin turns pink.....Guess I better leave it at that.
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Old 03-04-2013, 09:01 PM
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Default Re: Something you might want to read


Posted this a while back. Beware of sushi tuna....
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Old 03-04-2013, 09:23 PM
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Default Re: Something you might want to read

I wouldn't purchase or eat anything from overseas! Worse one is the shrimp that is consumed by the billions here in the states, all imported from that fifthy freakin Vietnam, whose own government warns their people not to drink the water without boiling it, yet the billions and billions of shrimp sold throughout this country in the costcos, shoprites, etc, are packed in that filthy frozen tap water laden with bacteria and made into ice, then shipped off to this country. Japan actually turns back millions of pounds of shrimp from Vietnam because of this very issue. Yet the FDA only samples 2.7 percent of all that crap imported from that garbage laden landfill of a country.
And as far as the rest of the shit coming in from overseas, tilapia, chilean sea bass...........please, don't get me started. I rather eat out of a dumpster. People need to wake up...........Yes, I eat everything I catch. I know where it came from.
Steve O'Connor
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Old 03-04-2013, 11:13 PM
fishguy fishguy is offline
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Default Re: Something you might want to read

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the demand for seafood in the US far too great to be met by domestic catches? I think I remember reading that WAY over 1/2 of what we consume is imported. That said, we need to address this problem of un inspected seafood and false labeling.
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