Originally Posted by Ol Pedro
The first time that I heard of Taper was in the early 70's . It was on Browning Siloflex and Fenwick blanks . How many people remember when most rods were parabolic (early solid glass/hollow) ? Action meant more then . Light , medium , or heavy . From a moodle to a broomstick . Same flex top to bottom . When the progressive taper came , slow , medium , fast , and extra fast tapers became relevant terms to discribe the same thing .The way that blanks were made changed . With better fibers to work with , internal pressurization , and changing the angle that the fiber is cut and where it's placed in the layup changed where the blank will flex/how much .
How true it is........!!!!! Back in the day,, most of the glass rods were more parabolic! You are 100% right! Then, we got away from that, with graphite and marketing. Now.....full circle and we are back to the old actions with newer materials and buying the same shoes and clothes that we wore 25- 30 yrs ago!
The only difference today is the materials being used. Some of them are truly incredible! But.....your spot on here with saying we are revisiting the days of yester-year.