Prowler5 - Sun., July 9th, Fluke and Sea Bass Report
Hey gang, Capt. Scott here. Good start to the fluke day with keepers. Fishing in the ocean again up to 15 16 keepers, Donnie's got the winner so far around 5 lb and like 35-40 shorts with some nice sea bass already and it's 10:30. Kenny and Alex working deck today. Was out both trips yesterday, Saturday. Was a little tired to do a report. But I would like to reach out and give a special thanks to Courtney's group that fished the 3:30 to 9 trip last night. Classy and great for sure... The crew and I would like to thank you gals n guys for a great evening. Thx Capt. Scott. Looking forward to having your group back again. I'll be back at it again tomorrow morning. See you at 5:30 sharp Monday July 10th.
Prowler 5
Sailing Daily From Altantic Highlands
(732) 245-6514