Jumbos at sundown
stayed out too late Friday night and didn't wake up till 9 so I headed out at noon...just in time to meet the growing winds! went to where my friend and I caught about 200 fish last weekend and I caught 1 crappie...haha. so I checked the backwaters finding a mixed bag of fish including pickerel, lm bass, crappie, perch and gills spread out and fairly aggressive. Chunks of goo were everywhere so it made it tough to fish but it was nice to be out of the wind. no fish of size.
got some info from njsquatch that the bite main side where he was turned on a bit. so I headed back out towards the main lake area where I was. The day was coming to an end by this time but I started seeing some massive piggy perch darting and slashing at my rapala...I downsized and finally started hooking up with some porkers. They were super aggressive. I didn't have much time with them including some time wasted retying a tangled line, but it was fun while it lasted.