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Old 11-03-2015, 06:31 PM
Capt Paul Capt Paul is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2015
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Default Pompano are here!

The best way to describe the surf fishing in our area this weekend is that it was good and getting better. The waves have decreased in size and the water has great clarity right now on most beaches. I fished at Santa Lucea on Saturday and the activity was not good until the tide changed and started falling. Big whiting, jacks, blue runners, croakers, and a large palometa provided great action for about an hour on the outgoing tide. I returned to Santa Lucea on Sunday morning hoping the large whiting were still in the feeding mood. Unfortunately that didn't materialize so I drove north up to Middle Cove beach to see what conditions were like there. That turned out to be the right move as the water was a beautiful light green and the amount of vehicles in the parking lot was a good sign. The stars of the show on that beach were Pompano. I talked to a fellow that was leaving and he told me the bite was very good early that morning. I finally got an opportunity to test the new Penn Squall 15 conventional reels and the 11 foot Penn Prevail rods that Penn sent me to test. If anyone is interested in trying these set ups for the winter Pompano season I highly recommend them. The bites were occurring 70 to 80 yards off the beach in the offshore trough and the Squall 15 reel is perfect for distance casting. Learning to cast a conventional is easy with this product because of the Live Spindle design that is engineered into the reel.

I managed to put three nice Pompano in the cooler along with some large whiting and croaker. The bite actually shut off at the top of the tide but it’s good to know these fish have moved into our area. The bait that was successful today was the EZ Flea flavored Fishbite. This fishing is only going to get better as the water cools in the upcoming month. Just for a point of information, I checked my log this week and the first week in November last year also produced Pompano at Middle Cove and Normandy beach. Things are heating up so it’s time to get your Pompano rigs ready and catch some of these tasty fish as the move into our area. Winds are forecast to be out of the southeast at 5 to 10 knots through Tuesday and shift to easterly at 10 to 15 knots through Friday. High tides will be from noon to 5 pm for the rest of the week. Pompano usually bite very well during low light periods - both early in the morning and late in the afternoon. Fishbites, clam strips, cut shrimp and sand fleas will all produce bites. Good luck this week and catch ‘em up.
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Name:	Pompano November 1st.jpg
Views:	830
Size:	89.9 KB
ID:	90849   Click image for larger version

Name:	pompano number two.jpg
Views:	544
Size:	74.2 KB
ID:	90850  
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Old 11-04-2015, 08:08 AM
bunker dunker bunker dunker is offline
NJFishing.com Old Salt
Join Date: Mar 2008
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Default Re: Pompano are here!

thanks Paul for the report.those penn squall 15 are great reels.keep up the good reports.
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Old 11-04-2015, 04:01 PM
CCMPmonmouth CCMPmonmouth is offline
NJFishing.com Regular
Join Date: Dec 2014
Posts: 45
Default Re: Pompano are here!

keep them biting, be down there in 2 weeks.
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