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Old 08-16-2015, 07:30 PM
CabesaRoja's Avatar
CabesaRoja CabesaRoja is offline
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Default Adirondack Lakes?

Hey everybody!

As some of you may know I will be going to college up in the Adirondacks in less than a week. I know there are a few of you who are familiar with the Lake Placid/Saranac Lake region where I will be attending and was looking for some help narrowing down the tons of lakes, ponds, and streams in the area that I could possibly fish in my free time on weekends and whatnot. I will have access to a boat/kayak/canoe while I'm there so I'm not restricted to just shore fishing, which is pretty nice. I'm mainly looking to hook into bass, trout, and pike. Since they're found in almost every lake there in differing amounts I'm just asking which lakes are more known for those species so I can narrow down my efforts to a handful of places to maximize the time I may have to go out fishing.

Thanks in advance!
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Old 08-16-2015, 10:08 PM
Sako1 Sako1 is offline
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Default Re: Adirondack Lakes?

I just got back Saturday from upper Saranac and have fished lower for about 4 years, we head up there on a family vacation and I bring up a power boat.

Anyway, regarding the fishing, the Saranac lakes have lots of smallmouth, fresh bait (shiners) seem to work best. Simply fish them around structure and you'll get hit. If you see white floats indicating structure that are bit off the shoreline these areas are typically very good. Simply set up a drift through the markers and structure. I have also had luck with casting Rapala's and spinnerbaits.

Tupper lake does have landlocked salmon and I'm sure plenty of smallmouth similar to Saranac. Seems once you get into the salmon and trout it's a big boat/electronics game.

Try the streams for trout, there must be a ton of them up there they stock.

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Old 08-17-2015, 04:26 PM
thyer thyer is offline
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Default Re: Adirondack Lakes?

Part of why I like fishing in the Adirondacks vs NJ is every body of water has something in it, big or small and that's part of the fun, less people, less pollution, less garbage, less boats, less weeds and MORE fish. I usually fish central but there's the St Regis canoe area. Lake Clear, Hoel, little clear and so on. Just try exploring and you won't be disappointed.
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Old 08-17-2015, 04:32 PM
bassnblues bassnblues is offline
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Default Re: Adirondack Lakes?

Been there a few times but not for a while. Lake Flower in the center of Saranac Lake (town) is shallow and weedy so good for pike and lmb. There's a ramp just outside of town that's on a connector creek to the Saranac lakes all of which have smallies.

Good luck! It's a beautiful area.
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Old 08-17-2015, 04:51 PM
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Default Re: Adirondack Lakes?

Warren County NY, Lake George mixed/stocked salmon, wild salmon and wild lake trout, Scroon lake mixed/trout and splake which are huge lake trout strain, brant lake mixed/stocked trout, Scroon river mixed/stocked trout.
Those are a few big ones that hold trout and salmon but any body of water there holds fish and when I say any I mean the 10 inch wide streams also hold wild trout.
As always spring and fall when the water is colder is when Lakers and salmon are up near top feeding / spawning.
Dont forget about ice fishing.
AKA. "The Squid Whisper"
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Old 08-18-2015, 11:55 AM
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Default Re: Adirondack Lakes?

I've fished the Lows Lake/Hitchens Pond/Bog river area and did pretty well with LM bass. I have a local friend who says he has pulled 6lb LM out of Lows Lake

I camped at Little Tupper Lake for a long weekend two summers ago and though I didn't bring my rod, one of my camping partners did and he bagged some nice smallies.

I'll be camping at Forked Lake this Thur, Fri, Sat and Sunday and will be bringing my fishing gear. Will report when I return.
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Old 08-18-2015, 08:04 PM
MattK MattK is offline
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Default Re: Adirondack Lakes?

Originally Posted by NJ Dave View Post
Warren County NY, Lake George mixed/stocked salmon, wild salmon and wild lake trout, Scroon lake mixed/trout and splake which are huge lake trout strain, brant lake mixed/stocked trout, Scroon river mixed/stocked trout.
Those are a few big ones that hold trout and salmon but any body of water there holds fish and when I say any I mean the 10 inch wide streams also hold wild trout.
As always spring and fall when the water is colder is when Lakers and salmon are up near top feeding / spawning.
Dont forget about ice fishing.
Have they stocked Brant with trout recently? I know there used to be browns in there, but haven't seen any in quite a while. Also no pike in Brant so its pretty much just a bass/pickerel lake.
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