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Old 06-09-2015, 11:21 AM
jjdbike jjdbike is offline
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Default Tile jig rigging opinion please?

Hi folks

I appreciate all of your help and advice for tile fishing, especially jigging over the past few months. I’ve also had many conversations with Dave A of Reel Seat and went to his tile seminar. Man – o man he is an expert and a very nice and helpful individual.

I was told by another very well- known and credible source (jigger) that many times people can miss many jig bites with a hook only on the bottom of jig and people hook a lot more fish with a long & large assist hook ( ½ to 2/3 of the way don’t the jig) and a strip of bait on the hooks. With jigs rigged like this he said he catches at least as well as those using bait. I have attached a picture of a 16 oz LAV jig I rigged for tiles. I actually added a swivel to the bottom siwash to limit twisting. I’m looking for input and opinions on this jig and how it’s rigged. Can anyone offer any suggestions or feedback? Does it look good, i.e., like it will work well?

Thanks everyone!
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Old 06-12-2015, 03:57 AM
Capt. Lou Capt. Lou is offline
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Default Re: Tile jig rigging opinion please?

Like swivels on BOTH hooks ! Better have heavier jigs up to 30 oz for deep water , also most I've seen for tile buck tail style like cod bombs with & without swing hooks !
Another idea if UR gonna jig with lighter jigs & u get a fast drift rig jig reel with lighter braid to manage scope .
Under mild current and / or slow drift conditions I'm sure u can get away with 10-16oz
I remember jigging 600' for live bait inside the BC for the morning Tuna bite years back with a 1.8 drift 16 oz sinkers on squid rigs got it done that nite.
However only three of us on 36 ' boat not like on party boat where to lite a rig could cause issues under certain conditions .
Always best to ask someone that has put some time in doing the tile deal it's been 30 seasons since I fished em' those days had the privilege of going with the man that started the RNR tile fish game but we only used
Bait & Monel line , no braid then a deep drop was 350 to 400 ' ! A lot predicated on conditions & of course depth.

Last edited by Capt. Lou; 06-12-2015 at 09:50 AM..
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Old 06-12-2015, 01:38 PM
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Default Re: Tile jig rigging opinion please?

Looks pretty good to me. I would switch up the hardware a little, but what you have will work. I would have the swivel be my tie off to the topshot, the swivel connects to a split ring. on the spit ring you put your jig and I usually have a solid ring or figure 8 ring on the split ring as well. The solid or figure 8 ring is where I loop on my assist hook.
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Old 06-13-2015, 10:12 AM
jjdbike jjdbike is offline
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Default Re: Tile jig rigging opinion please?

Thanks for your input Captain Lou & Mike G.
Mike I really was hoping for your input as I tried to modled my jigs baed upon your pics & advice.
For me this is an experimental work in progress. My goals for rigging were:
1. Hooking the fish (converting bites to hook-ups & landing, no mtter what might bite the jig).
2. Avoiding rig and line twist. I know cod coming up from 200 - 300’, I imagine a tile of even a double header coming up from 500’ + could twist things up pretty good.
3. Quick / convienent jig changes.
I was concerned that if the jig didn’t come rigged with a swivel on top that a swivel tie off might adversly effect the jig’s action. I know a lot of highly expereineced and effective jiggers who are adament that a swivel on top tie off of diamond jig screws up it’s action and negativley impacts catching.
For thease reasons I put a swivel between the jig & each hook. I will place a clip on the terminal end of rig and clip directly to the eye of the jig.
Is this correct thinking? Any feedback or corrections?
Thanks again!
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