Ocean Explorer Sunday
Pretty lumpy ride out this morning..Wind had more north in it than northwest....We had fish coming pretty quick today,,,,4-5 keeper flukes on the first drift and we just kinda kept doing it each drift today with plenty of shorts mixed in.Nothing fast and furious but as we drifted we had steady action with fish coming up somewhere along each side..Just some guys caught the keepers today and some had the short fish plague,,,still overall I was happy with the action...High hooks had 3-4 keepers,,,,some 2-3,,etc....nice fish in the 3-4lb.range but nothing really big..Threw back some giant sea bass again as well...Good day I thought given the tough drifting conditions early in the day..Large pool today,,both of em took home 670 bucks!!I look forward to tomorrow,,,,its gonna be a nice day!!See ya for coffee..!!check out just some of the nice ones from today here below!!