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Old 08-18-2013, 02:48 PM
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Default Suckers for bait

I have been trying to catch suckers/creek chubs for bait but have only come up with eels on the passaic. If anyone has any place where they had any luck. Not looking for a secret spot just a general river or creek. i would like to try my luck for muskies this fall. any help appreciated!!!
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Old 08-18-2013, 04:04 PM
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Lightbulb Re: Suckers for bait

Look to your local creeks, you'll be surprised what you will find in there.

BTW, WELCOME to the site. I know many Muskie anglers around here frown on live bait because you may gut hook the fish. Up North they do it all the time.

Remember the problem with live bait is they may take the bait and swim around with it in their mouths sideways for an hour or so, it's tough. Maybe try mastering some of the lures out there, they seem to work well also.
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Old 08-18-2013, 04:17 PM
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Default Re: Suckers for bait

Thanks i am looking for bait for ice fishing. Also lures can be expensive and i just want to cross off muskie on my list. i have tried with lures but ice fishing seems easier in a way.
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Old 08-18-2013, 04:18 PM
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Default Re: Suckers for bait

rockaway river is loaded w them, u can get them right off blackwell street.....not kidding

* I edited didnt see ice fishing........U dont need suckers for musky, thats a staple for north/central guys IMO. Around here most bodies DONT have them naturally, musky eat anything from herring to small stripers, and everything in between. Its whatever is in front of them that turns them on and is distressed or an easy meal. Perch are a local favorite, so are trout. U can EASILY get jumbo shiners or sunnies from anywhere, they work great and so does any perch or fish in the 6-10 inch range. Hopefully u are an experienced ice fisherman cause they are a beast thru a hole and must be handled properly as far as hooking goes AND gearwise

For open water..........If your gonna live bait them do the right thing and use quick strike rigs, they arent expensive and they hook fish VERY WELL, and save the fishes life. Use a heavy enuff rod and conventional reel w a clicker, and give the fish a few seconds of run time and set in the opposite direction, u will hook them everytime. If your fishing shallow water u can use a balloon too, otherwise hang him off the back and work ur weededges/structure like normal and listen for the clicker running. by the time u grab the rod set and u got him........

Last edited by jimmythegreek; 08-18-2013 at 04:24 PM..
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Old 08-18-2013, 04:46 PM
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Default Re: Suckers for bait

For suckers try this: 4" light floro leader with a small hook and half a trout worm, tie to a barrel swivel and use an egg sinker with bread or pizza dough wrapped around the sinker. Let it sit still on the bottom and put the rod in a rod holder. Try at the upstream side of large pools or below dams.

As far as rigging the bait I don't like quick strike rigs for pike and muskie through the ice. In the amount of time it takes you to get to the tipup they can easily swallow one of the trebles, I've seen it happen. Also trebles are much more difficult to unhook and when it's below freezing time is of the essence so their eyeballs and gills don't freeze. Also muskie tend to look at the bait very carefully before they strike through the ice and they'll see the trebles in these clear pressured Jersey lakes. I like a single 5/0 octopus hook through the dorsal and I almost never gut hook fish. Every once in a while I do but it's easy to get the hook out if you carefully go through the gill plate, pull the line back exposing the bend of the hook, and pop the hook out with a pair of long pliers through the mouth.
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Old 08-19-2013, 08:44 AM
liveitup1.75liter liveitup1.75liter is offline
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Default Re: Suckers for bait

I use creek chubs for em'.. I hit up small steams "creeks" and just fish like I wanna catch trout.. real small split when needed n a squiggler worm from the bank under leaves.. Hit the same spot u would for trout like deep pools a lot of time in small streams its a undercut hole by a tree root ball u can get lucky n they'll be at a bridge rite by the parking spot.. I use the creek chubs cuz there aggressive and easier to catch then suckers.. also, there really shinny n silvery good flash.. Why wait till ice??? musky metabolism is at its highest rite now.. big fish gotta eat.. PERSONALY.. I know my ability to detect strikes.. with my version of a quick set rig soon as I get bit im tryin to rip his lips off.. Either the hooks set or rip the bait outta the mouth and its going to make the fish hit it twice as hard a split second later win win.. I think when they commit to eat its game over...if they feel a prick n wont bite again.. u didn't try n rip his face off u tried to set the hook..
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Old 08-19-2013, 12:37 PM
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Default Re: Suckers for bait

Thanks I thought it will be easier through the ice but I'l try now.
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