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Old Yesterday, 01:14 PM
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Lightbulb Raritan river-short list:

Trying to wrap up as much as I can so I can get back to fishing. Here is a list posting in it's order of severity:

1.) Finderne floodplain: There could be an organized clean up posted soon. I can not run an organized clean up since I am not insured to do so.

2.) Duke Parkway Manville: This stretch of road runs along the Raritan river down to Duke Park. The floodplain has already been cleaned, we would be cleaning INSIDE the guardrail.

3.) Orlando Park to Lower Petersbrook Greenway Somerville: Already walked the banks from the Headgates to Orlando Park in Raritan Borough, have to walk the bank a few more miles so it's complete.

4.) Manville Main St. overpass: almost competed, its 80% done, just needs a little more TLC.

Trying to get this done so I can get back to fishing. If anyone wants to offer up 4 hours of their time please let me know. Like I said I am not insured to run an "organized" clean up, just asking for help. I am retired so just about any day works for me, thanks.
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Old Today, 09:20 AM
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DRiverRat DRiverRat is offline
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Default Re: Raritan river-short list:

Raritan Headwaters Association has scheduled the spring cleanup for 4/12/25. I'm hoping that some of these sites made their list. Check it out: https://www.raritanheadwaters.org/ge...-cleanup-page/ And a HUGE Thank You to Andy and all who make a concerted effort to keep our streams clean.
I don't trust anything that bleeds for five days and doesn't die.
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Old Today, 09:27 AM
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AndyS AndyS is offline
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Lightbulb Re: Raritan river-short list:

They did reach out to me about doing a clean up in Somerville, I'm fine with that but that time of year you are going to get covered in ticks. The ticks we have now are pretty nasty, not the old run of the mill dog ticks. This is why I am in a rush to get done what needs to be done. I don't want to scare away volunteers but on the other hand the volunteers safety comes FIRST. The RHA is possibly the biggest clean up in the State of NJ and I can't thank them enough.
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