Wire Line Rods and Reels
Just pulled down 2- 8'6" "spoon rods" in Fish Poison black. Now available.
2 pc aluminum butts, center braced 'sealed carbloy' [tungsten carbide]guides.
$249 ea [compare to any wire rod/anywhere/ no contest!]
We have 2- 113HSP Penn 4/0 reels, special series, HD chromed brass spools
$148 ea
2 40 lb monel wire assemblies, marked every 50', haywired to "spro swivels", 40 lb. top shot leader. $75 ea
rods $498
reels $296
wire $150
$944 plus tax
you can phone in at 732 892 8822
WE make the ultimate wire line rods!!!!
Remember Christmas is coming!