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Old 03-16-2008, 02:31 PM
Gerry Zagorski's Avatar
Gerry Zagorski Gerry Zagorski is offline
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Location: Edison, NJ
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Default Fishing Tips For Blackfish


Blackfish are usually caught in the early spring and late fall. Fishing with Green crabs and Filddler crabs from an anchored boat works well. Any rock pile in the bay or ocean will hold fish at one time or another. Locating and catching these fish requires a good bit of knowledge and skill. It's not for amateurs. Fishing the ocean is some what tricky since the fishing is done by locating wrecks and rock piles. It's best to fish from a charter or party boat that knows the wrecks and how to fish them. Blackfish are notorious bait stealers. You have to be fast. Some sharpies say you have to set the hook before the fish bite.
It's a great way to cure your fishing itch over the long winter. The Easter holiday usually kicks off the season and that's when the party boats start fishing for them.
Time of year
- Blackfish usually like cold water so late fall/early winter and the beginning of spring are the best times.
How to :
- Green Crabs or Fiddler Crabs are the best baits fished from a anchored boat. A 3 way swivel with a sinker and a 6 to 8 inch leader works well.
- You have to be right on the wreck or in the rocks or you won't catch.
- Best fished from a boat or from a rocky shore line.
Best Places
- Any natural or artificial reef is a good spot.
- Any rock pile in the ocean or bay is likely to hold fish at one time of the year or another.
- Make sure to bring plenty of rigs. You'll need them since you'll be fishing in areas full of snags.
- Use a pole with a strong tip so you can get a good fast hook set. - Some people like to tie the sinker on with lighter weight mono then the line your fishing with. If the sinker gets snagged it can break free and allow you to save the rest of the rig.

Gerry Zagorski <><

Founder/Owner of NJFishing.com since 1997
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