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Mad Gaffer blackfish report Sat.Nov.21 - NJFishing.com Your Best Online Source for Fishing Information in New Jersey

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Old 11-21-2020, 06:34 PM
Capt Ray Mad Gaffer's Avatar
Capt Ray Mad Gaffer Capt Ray Mad Gaffer is offline
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Default Mad Gaffer blackfish report Sat.Nov.21

We had a slow day blackfishing and so did everybody else Around here anyway, here is the reason why I think , most people do not understand that Blackfish eat other things, they don’t just eat crabs, as a matter fact , where you catch Blackfish on green crabs, there are not many green crabs to speak of , green crabs live in bays and river primarily , There are many different kinds of crabs that they eat and like them And they are good babe it And they are good bait. every fish that we cut open today was loaded with sand eels. For the last three weeks we’ve had an abundance of sand eels here , That accounts for the fabulous striped bass fishing we had, and all the dog fish that are around. The black fishing before the season opened for five fish, when you were only allowed to take one , was very good, this Influx of sand eels moved in here , and as soon as that happens, the black fishing fell off. There were boats today that were striped bass fishing, and boated several blackfish On diamond jigs nowhere near any structural bottom. The blackfish are just like any other fish they eat to live , and will consume other types of food besides crabs , Lobsters, and mussels that are of great abundance, and easily accessed ,yes they do eat sand eels ! The problem Is twofold, I feel that the blackfish are both feeding on the eels, And moving With the large clouds of sand eels , that would explain why you are catching some black fish away from their habitat . As far as the dog fish are concerned they will not give you a chance to get the blackfish going. Every day since the season opened when you anchor the boat , you’ll immediately catch a few blackfish, and then the dog fish take over. As you all know you usually don’t catch Blackfish Immediately when you anchor the boat, it takes time for them to gather under the boat, dogfish however when they find you they they are voracious feeders that is a problem they overwhelm the blackfish, and stop you from catching anything but dogfish . I feel that as the water gets a little bit colder and some of these sand eels , and dogfish thin out , the situation will rectify itself. The nights are getting colder, and this may Happen sooner than you think. Check out Open Boat page for availability and follow us on Facebook and Instagram for photos thanks hope to see you soon stay healthy RAY
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Old 11-21-2020, 07:29 PM
hh52 hh52 is offline
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Default Re: Mad Gaffer blackfish report Sat.Nov.21

Very interesting theory their captain Ray
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Old 11-21-2020, 10:42 PM
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Default Re: Mad Gaffer blackfish report Sat.Nov.21

They definitely eat sandeels... 3 years ago while fishing for seabass with 017 avas a boat of 3 anglers caught 15 blackfish on the jig....These fish were not snagged, all of the fish were hooked in the mouth. Beautiful goldies / traveling fish, that were on sandeels.
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Old 11-21-2020, 11:57 PM
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Default Re: Mad Gaffer blackfish report Sat.Nov.21

Originally Posted by Capt Ray Mad Gaffer View Post
We had a slow day blackfishing and so did everybody else Around here anyway, here is the reason why I think , most people do not understand that Blackfish eat other things, they don’t just eat crabs, as a matter fact , where you catch Blackfish on green crabs, there are not many green crabs to speak of , green crabs live in bays and river primarily , There are many different kinds of crabs that they eat and like them And they are good babe it And they are good bait. every fish that we cut open today was loaded with sand eels. For the last three weeks we’ve had an abundance of sand eels here , That accounts for the fabulous striped bass fishing we had, and all the dog fish that are around. The black fishing before the season opened for five fish, when you were only allowed to take one , was very good, this Influx of sand eels moved in here , and as soon as that happens, the black fishing fell off. There were boats today that were striped bass fishing, and boated several blackfish On diamond jigs nowhere near any structural bottom. The blackfish are just like any other fish they eat to live , and will consume other types of food besides crabs , Lobsters, and mussels that are of great abundance, and easily accessed ,yes they do eat sand eels ! The problem Is twofold, I feel that the blackfish are both feeding on the eels, And moving With the large clouds of sand eels , that would explain why you are catching some black fish away from their habitat . As far as the dog fish are concerned they will not give you a chance to get the blackfish going. Every day since the season opened when you anchor the boat , you’ll immediately catch a few blackfish, and then the dog fish take over. As you all know you usually don’t catch Blackfish Immediately when you anchor the boat, it takes time for them to gather under the boat, dogfish however when they find you they they are voracious feeders that is a problem they overwhelm the blackfish, and stop you from catching anything but dogfish . I feel that as the water gets a little bit colder and some of these sand eels , and dogfish thin out , the situation will rectify itself. The nights are getting colder, and this may Happen sooner than you think. Check out Open Boat page for availability and follow us on Facebook and Instagram for photos thanks hope to see you soon stay healthy RAY
Hey Capt you forgot the clams hard shell or pissers wit or without butter LOL guys next to me went out five guys fishing two keepers all day
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Old 11-22-2020, 08:55 AM
bulletbob bulletbob is offline
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Default Re: Mad Gaffer blackfish report Sat.Nov.21

A highly experienced captain for sure!, I agree with every word.. ANY fish will go off of its natural food,habitat or temperature zones for an abundant and easy to obtain food source.. when the abundant food source moves on or dies off, the fish revert back to their nature.

Last edited by bulletbob; 11-22-2020 at 08:57 AM..
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