Nailed It Report 09/05
Our original game plan had Jason, myself & Jason’s friend Julius leaving between 6:30-7 AM and head out to the lumps for a days of chasing speedsters. That plan changed when we heard that the seas were running 4-6’ but were forecasted to diminish as the day wore on. Left @ 9:30 and broken the inlet around 10:30, unfortunately seas were still a little sporty so we opted to wait it out doing some light tackle river fluke fishing. Fished both the main and side/back channels. Water quality at the top of the tide was nothing short of spectacular with excellent clarity and visibility. We were able to see the bottom of the main river channel in 17’ of water. Spent @ 90 minutes catching short fluke from micro shorts up to 17”. Both fresh spearing and killies worked. Speaking of spearing, they were all over the river. Just before noon we got a call saying the seas had laid down and off we went. Once open our first spot we deployed a 4 rod spread. Didn’t take long for our first knock down, a frigate mackerel. Soon followed by a bonito. Next few fish were false albacore, including one of the smallest I’ve ever seen-@ 12”s. While fighting one of the albies we had some nice marks show up on the screen, so we quickly boated/released the albacore and cleared the 3 remaining lines and started jigging. This resulted in bonito, a spanish mackerel, a bluefish and some chub mackerel. Once off the marks, we put out a 2 rod spread and trolled up a few more false albacore before heading to the barn.