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Old 08-06-2015, 01:46 PM
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Default Fluke Vs. Tide

I was wondering if someone could shed some light on whether its better to fish closer in-shore during high-tide and further out during low tide. I always assumed that the fish move to deeper water at low tide and come in during high-tide. could be that it doesn't matter, but i would love to learn about how the tide affects where the fish will be...

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Old 08-06-2015, 02:04 PM
NoLimit NoLimit is offline
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Default Re: Fluke Vs. Tide

I am not sure if the fish move much every tide but they seem to feed better on the outgoing tide. Crabs prefer the opposite.
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Old 08-06-2015, 09:12 PM
ALS Mako ALS Mako is online now
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Default Re: Fluke Vs. Tide

I really think I depends on where you are fishing. Back bay or out front. I don't think it matters too much out in the ocean as long as you're drifting and covering ground. But in shallower water the fluke will stage in area that have food for them. Find the bait and you find the fluke. Out going tides the fluke will stage in areas that the moving water will bring food to them, like channel edges. Out in the ocean it's more a matter of structure like rocks or cuts; something different from the surrounding area. Just my thoughts. I'm sure others might have other info or experiences.
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Old 08-07-2015, 06:50 AM
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Default Re: Fluke Vs. Tide

I'm with ALS on this.... It's not fishing close or further into the beach depending on the tide. Like they say in real estate, it's all about location and the conditions in a given location.

You want to be in a location where there are likely to be fish like channel edges, lumps, drop offs etc and the same area has to have the right conditions at the time your are fishing it which usually is dictated by the tides/currents and the wind direction.

Tides influence the direction of your drift in the bays and the ocean areas leading into the bays. Currents do the same out on the open ocean. Ocean currents although influenced by tides does not dictate their direction as much as they do in the bays.

Example..... If you are in the Raritan Bay an outgoing tide in general is going to make you drift west to east. Incoming will be east to west.

If you are fishing the open ocean it's not like you are going to drift into the beach on an incoming tide or away from the beach on an outgoing tide. You will be drifting with the currents.

Water movement and its direction, be it current or tidal flow is important since you want to be moving with it, not against it. If you're drift fishing and the wind causes you to drift against the current or tide you might as well be sitting home on the couch. You want to drift with it since you want your bait presented in the same natural direction and speed as the current or tide.

This is why you will see people using drift socks or power drifting. They are trying overcome the effects of the wind and make the boat drift in the direction of the tide/current in a location where they think the fish are.

This is why you will also see boats drifting in certain areas. The best areas are where the wind is not pushing them against the tide. It might not be where most of the fish are but its location where the conditions are best.

Here is a cool site that gives you the direction and intensity of the currents/tides in the NY bite area http://hudson.dl.stevens-tech.edu/ma...ncontrol.shtml

In the screen shot below you will notice the direction the current/tide is flowing. Notice that it flows in different directions at different locations indicated by the arrows. If wind was not an issue, and usually when it less then 10 knots you could fish any of these locations. If the wind is a factor you want to choose an area where the wind is pushing you the same direction of the current.

Also notice the colors are different in certain areas. This is the intensity of the movement with red being most intense and blue less. If you we fishing a red area and you had the wind pushing you in the same direction you might have too fast a drift in which case you'd want to move to a blue area. Sometimes you might be in an area with no drift at all and you will want to move into a red area.

At the end of the day, you want to obviously be fishing an area where the fish are and the conditions will allow your boat to move in the same general direction as the current, not the wind.
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Gerry Zagorski <><

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Last edited by Gerry Zagorski; 08-07-2015 at 07:17 AM..
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Old 08-07-2015, 08:28 AM
tjd24 tjd24 is offline
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Default Re: Fluke Vs. Tide

There's also info from NOAA available. Google NOAA Tidal Current Predictions 2015. Click on the State, then specific location. eg: NJ - Sandy Hook Channel.
They provide the Time & Speed for Current: Max Incoming, Slack Water, Max Outgoing and Slack Water.

You can print the sheets for your favorite locations and have the entire month available for your convenience when you need the info. It's helpful when pre-planning your fishing day.
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Old 08-07-2015, 08:37 AM
Waresthefish Waresthefish is offline
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Default Re: Fluke Vs. Tide

Great information. Thank you. I always wondered when guys commented on being in a wind against current situation how they knew. I always thought they were making observations while on the water. Observations that I could never figure out.
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Old 08-07-2015, 10:12 AM
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Default Re: Fluke Vs. Tide

From what I've read fluke lay on the bottom awaiting ambush facing into the oncoming water flow. That's what you want your bait or presentation to do.

The wind does what ever it pleases, and the wind effect boat drift a lot.

That's wind v current. Even if the line up some times its additive. Your bottom presentation drifts by at 3 knots with 8 oz on it. Hook ups are going way down.
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Old 08-07-2015, 10:18 AM
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Default Re: Fluke Vs. Tide

Originally Posted by Waresthefish View Post
Great information. Thank you. I always wondered when guys commented on being in a wind against current situation how they knew. I always thought they were making observations while on the water. Observations that I could never figure out.
I was fishing for a few years before I figured it out. When I got my first boat I'd go out to spot I was told there were fish and nothing.... Problem is I was there when the conditions were not right for that particular area.

A few simple rules.

- First is conditions. Look at the tide, currents and winds see how you think it will effect your drift and choose a general area where you think you will have the best conditions.
- Once you've figured out where that area is look for structure around it. Structure will hold fish so that where you want to concentrate your drifts.
- Conditions change during the day so pay attention and move when you don't have the right conditions.
- Fluke will typically look for a comfortable water temp and therefore will stick to certain depths.... If you find a depth that your catching fish try that same depth in other areas as well.

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Old 08-07-2015, 11:52 AM
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Default Re: Fluke Vs. Tide


Thanks so much for that invaluable information. Truly awesome stuff!


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Old 08-08-2015, 10:45 AM
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Default Re: Fluke Vs. Tide

Originally Posted by TheFishSlayer View Post

Thanks so much for that invaluable information. Truly awesome stuff!


My pleasure Slayer... Hope it helps you and others put a few more fish in the box.

Gerry Zagorski <><

Founder/Owner of NJFishing.com since 1997
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