Originally Posted by Ismellfishy
The foregrip may not be too long but the butt is long enough to tuck under the arm for the fight. And Dan I agree it may not be easy to turn a big tog but lets face it, its not easy to turn a big tog. Other rods are certainly more ideal, but I can lift my coffee table so we shall see what it can do. I wanted to be able to fish from light to heavy jigs so short of a custom or more perfect, its what ill try for now and will be able to use for plenty of other applications.
Also had I had the option to try out different/more sizes I may have chosen a different setup, but I was working off gift card money lol.
Yes, like you said, the longer butt is a big plus too. If however you have to high stick after the hook set to keep the fish up, the longer fore grip the better.
Having said all this, Dustin caught his 21 pound
blackfish on a St. Croix Mojo spinning rod with a short fore grip so we know it can be done