Sunday Fluking 8-6-17
After a weeks vacation fishing smallmouth bass in Lake George NY. My friend Mike invited me to fish the Manasquan River Tuna Clubs Fluke and Seabass Tournament on his 26' Regulator. The Axle Carlson was a parking lot and Poor Jerry on the Monger was like a boat magnet being mugged whenever he moved. Fishing was slower than it's been last week. We managed 7 Keepers up to 4lbs. Many shorts, Robbins, skates and even a mackerel were landed. First place was 6.8lb. 2nd, 6.75 and 3rd 6.4lb. The top 3 Seabass winners were all under 2lbs
Eddie E,
"HALLIE LOREN Sportfishing" 36' Topaz Express
"HUNTER 2" 1972, 23' Chris Craft Lancer
Homeport- Keyport NJ,