Prowler5 - Fri., January 13th, Tog Report
Hey gang, Capt. Scott here. We had a decent crowd today, just like yesterday. Very good blackfish fishermen on board again today. We had a stiff north wind to the start the morning. Still had a bit of roll from yesterday. Fished hard today, had pretty good anchoring conditions, but the fishing was slow again. Frank from the Big Jamaica had two keepers, a few more had a couple keepers. Some with just one keeper and a lot with just shorts. I fished three different areas today. On one of the drops I noticed that the shorts were really washed out. I saw that we had a bit of an afternoon bite for a little bit. Bottom line is that it was a slow day. Looking for a bounce back for Saturday and Sunday. I docked around 4:00 p.m. today. I'll see you in the morning for coffee - 5:30 a.m.
Prowler 5
Sailing Daily From Altantic Highlands
(732) 245-6514