Happy New year! Time to plan your new sets of Tuna rods, Blackfish Rods, FLUKE RODS.

Hey Skipper! I just got an entry level boat. Lets see, thousands of dollars for, dockage, insurance, electronics, bait, tackle. Where does it stop????

First you have to get your priorities straight. You're right! Thousands and thousands of dollars on incidental stuff, and still counting. You should get a new set of FISH POISON Fluke/bottom rods $600 for a set of four rods!!!
$1,200 for a set of Tuna rods that will kick ass day after day, season after season.

slow down Skip, I'm taking notes!

Did I forget to mention the best Blackfish rod on the planet for $160?

oops, wait, my pen just ran out of ink!

Blackfish spin's, Tuna spins, Fluke spins! The boys at FISH POISON have the best rods anywhere.

hey Skip, you forgot Sea Basstard sticks!!!!

you mean the rod you promiced to buy me for Christmas??@#$%&!

Didn't you like the case of adult diapers that I got you with the double elastic leg bands?

Oh yeah! Damn nice of you!