Ocean Explorer Monday
2-22-16 I can say it was a really pretty day out there today,,,ocean was beautiful and warm for this time of year,,,,,,Pretty dull fishing today,,,,covered some ground looking for some good life and never really found it...Near the end of the day the current started coming out of the Se and we started catching a few fish,,Kenny caught 3 keeeper togs,,,then a few other keepers came up and Skip ended up catching a nice fish about 8lbs.and took home the pool,,,it all came when the water warmed up to 45 degrees offshore with the current...other than a keeper codfish it was a tough day overall...Still nice day out with a great bunch of guys,,,as for tomorrow and the next few days we are gonna cancel...Ne winds start tonite after midnite and its gonna be nasty out there tomorrow...No way we are gonna get offshore to where the life is.....I will let you know here when the next day is gonna be,,,,maybe by Friday....Big pool is now over 3900 bucks and it looks like we are gonna have maybe 3-4 more days to try and beat it....After the 28th we are gonna start Codfishing everyday....Stay tuned for next day to fish!!!pics