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Old 06-01-2015, 04:04 PM
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Default FISHERMEN/Report and update.

Had to bounce around yesterday to put a catch together. Guess we were spoiled from the Hot action of the past week, Still managed to have a good day fishing with the bait then jigs to finish out the day.

I took a 5 pound fish, fillet it right away and put it on ice till it was time to cook. Seasoned it with Salt, Pepper, garlic and paprika. Seared and sauted and it in a little oil, a splash of wine and lemon. It was absolutely excellent!!

Didn't sail today and won't be shaping up on Tuesday morning. Good time for an Oil change with the crappy weather predicted. See you on Wednesday.

Capt. Ron
"I Fish, I Vote, I Marched"

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Old 06-01-2015, 04:26 PM
PCO PCO is offline
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Unhappy Re: FISHERMEN/Report and update.

A iced bluefish fillet is great tasting if you keep it chilled and eat it within a couple days! They get a bad rap from the days guys would toss them in a burlap bag on a sunny 80 degree day..MUSH
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Old 06-01-2015, 04:38 PM
captain george angler captain george angler is offline
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Default Re: FISHERMEN/Report and update.

It is a shame what has happened to the bad wrap bluefish have gotten when they fight so good and I agree with you taste so good. I remember sailing on the Sea Fox besides you on the fishermen when we loaded the boats with bluefish fishermen who took all they could get to fill the freezer and feed their neighbors. No one ate or wanted tog and ling where scorned. People came to the Jersey shore for a bluefish dinner. times have changed for the worse. Captain George Angler
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Old 06-01-2015, 05:19 PM
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Default Re: FISHERMEN/Report and update.

If I'm not mistaken, the nj party boat fleet was built on blue fish.
Captain Shrimpy
100 ton master captain
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Old 06-01-2015, 05:58 PM
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Default Re: FISHERMEN/Report and update.

Originally Posted by captain george angler View Post
It is a shame what has happened to the bad wrap bluefish have gotten when they fight so good and I agree with you taste so good. I remember sailing on the Sea Fox besides you on the fishermen when we loaded the boats with bluefish fishermen who took all they could get to fill the freezer and feed their neighbors. No one ate or wanted tog and ling where scorned. People came to the Jersey shore for a bluefish dinner. times have changed for the worse. Captain George Angler
I could not agree with you more George the problem today is everybody is spoiled with the bottom fish. Today's preparation & cooking methods & recipes out there its a fine table fare. It's the only fish that you could take home today & say you put together a good catch of fish. I remember one summer back in the summer of 1970 going on the Pilot bottom fishing for Blackfish,Ling,Sea Bass etc. the boat only had maybe 20 people if you were lucky. The Bluefish boats were all jammed we even had a few stragglers come on board from those boats because they were all so crowded. Capt. Tom could only scratch his head wondering why they all would just be on those boats & not his it was not for lack of fish for sure that was certain. But that's the way it was back then the times has surely changed for today. I just think most are missing out on a good opportunity I only hope it changes for the future.
If it eats Green Crabs it's a Blackfish. If it hates Blackfisherman it's the NMFS.
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Old 06-01-2015, 06:32 PM
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Default Re: FISHERMEN/Report and update.

I just pulled another batch of smoked blue fish out of the smoker yesterday.
Many people bad mouth it without knowing how to handle or prepare it properly, but the few that do it up right are enjoying it.
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Old 06-01-2015, 08:58 PM
PCO PCO is offline
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Default Re: FISHERMEN/Report and update.

Try Blackenend Bluefish,way better than Striper..I take 3 cups of http://www.dole.com/Products/Juice/C...erry-Juice,put in a sauce pan and simmer with a little sugar and thicken with cornstarch ,heat up a heavy pan on high, dredge your Bluefish fillet in melted butter and sprinkle with blackened seasoning and cook on a "dry" hot pan for approx. 4 minutes on one side and 3 on the other ,top with the sauce! The hot dry pan pulls the oils from the fish and needs no oil.. It is easy and people love it!
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Old 06-01-2015, 09:02 PM
PCO PCO is offline
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Default Re: FISHERMEN/Report and update.

Sorry (Pineapple,orange, strawberry juice) next to the orange juice in the grocery store
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Old 06-01-2015, 10:19 PM
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Default Re: FISHERMEN/Report and update.

Originally Posted by captain george angler View Post
It is a shame what has happened to the bad wrap bluefish have gotten when they fight so good and I agree with you taste so good. I remember sailing on the Sea Fox besides you on the fishermen when we loaded the boats with bluefish fishermen who took all they could get to fill the freezer and feed their neighbors. No one ate or wanted tog and ling where scorned. People came to the Jersey shore for a bluefish dinner. times have changed for the worse. Captain George Angler
Amen! Amen! Amen! Too bad bluefish, without being put in a saltwater ice slurry, spoil right away. Not everybody has coolers and that's a problem. People have marginally gotten away with keeping fluke in totes with just a little water, same goes for ling in bucket, tog in bucket....

Maybe the party boats can make their own ice and use that to help out the customers and the blues. They should use covers for the tubs and totes so the ice won't melt throughout the trip..... Just ice to me is no good either, fish will get ruined from the melted ice and accumulated fresh water. Bleeding and then Saltwater/Ice slurry is a must.... I hope they can and will start doing that....

1 large Bluefish fillet with 2TBSP olive oil, dashes on top of old bay, and lemon juice broiled for 20-22min.... Is just awesome!!!

Thank you guys for this post! I have been patient for this post!


A proud customer of Ancient Mariner's Bait and Tackle for 9 years. (AND COUNTING....)

Last edited by snapperbluefish101; 06-01-2015 at 10:26 PM..
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