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Old 04-07-2015, 10:27 PM
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Exclamation The PREJUDICE comments have to stop !

Prejudice : noun

noun: prejudice; plural noun: prejudices

preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.

I click on the post about a guy who caught a big walleye and next thing I know I'm reading about how awful Chinese and Russian people are ! Really ?

I'm not going politically correct here either, this just has to stop, I have already had a few PM's pertaining to this subject. What next, you want to say Christians and Jews are wiping out all the fish also, where does it end ?

Best thing you can do is become a Fish and Game Volunteer, become a Watershed Watchdog, find out who your local Game Warden is. Reach out to Fish and Game, educate people on bag and size limits (why I keep extra Fish and Game Digests in the car) Yes, we are all Conservation Officers when we are on the water doing what we love most.
It's like the Little League parents that just sat around and bitched how they didn't like things. You don't like what you see, get off the side lines and get involved.

I was never prejudice. There was no room for prejudice in the military either. I was on a fast attack anti submarine destroyer. Part of my job was on the damage control team. I told the people around me, I don't care what color or religion you are, or if you were from Texas, if we take a torpedo to the side, trust me, I'm stuffing your dead body in the hole to stop the flooding.
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Old 04-07-2015, 11:47 PM
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Default Re: The PREJUDICE comments have to stop !

Quote_ where does it end??

It does'nt....From the beginning of time, ppl have there own opinoins and as long as there is someone who is willing to listen, ppl will share those opinoins....While i don't agree with the statement in question , i can almost guarantee they are only refering to a personal experience....I think its gr8 that ppl have a place where they feel comfortable enough to share their prejudices, which come from personal experiences....Or maybe that place is just an illusion....comments are just that.....comments.....I guess the policing is nessissary to show the www that these prejudice opinoins are not the opinoins of njf....I totally get it but at the same time i find very little difference in the some members prejudices toward njf&g....If it were to end , than it would totally change what makes us semi-intelligent beings.....

If i have over stepped my boundries, pls forgive me.....or don't, thats your rite also
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Old 04-08-2015, 01:40 AM
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Default Re: The PREJUDICE comments have to stop !

It makes no difference where we came from as US is a country built on immigrants of all colors, ethnicities and religious denominations. Each one has pluses and minuses, especially depending who you ask but in the end it's all about the right or wrong. It is wrong to judge someone based on their race, etc. it is right to criticize all who do not follow rules and regulations. I'm from Ukraine 34 years ago and am Jewish. I would be the first one to walk up to someone who is polluting or keeping fish out of season or of wrong size. I'm not a large man, but I have never yet been challenged. Perhaps it's because I have some very large friends. Regardless I support your opinion in this thread.
Old 04-08-2015, 02:02 AM
zhitoman zhitoman is offline
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Default Re: The PREJUDICE comments have to stop !

I am Russian speaking and I am more conservation conscious then some of the Americans born here.
Old 04-08-2015, 11:26 AM
yumasdad yumasdad is offline
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Default Re: The PREJUDICE comments have to stop !

totally with you BIGFISHY.

"preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience"

My prior writing regarding this matter is purely based on personal experience. As a child of immigrants-my Mom was born in GERMANY & came to this county with her family to avoid the oppression towards JEWISH people & were labeled sympathizers. As Catholics they did not like to direction of their homeland & came here to enjoy the freedoms & oppurtunities this great country offers. They did it the legal & the right way thru ELLIS ISLAND. They learned to speak the NATIONAL language & assimilated. Similar thing on my Dad's side-his father came from POLAND for the same reasons. I would be the last to racially discriminate, especially those groups.

From my own personal experiences I have encounters many ethnic groups committing various offenses such fishing without a license, not following creel /size limits, boats with gas motors over 10hp labeled as 10 hp crudely (not fooling anyone when you have a 25 hp motor with a 10 hp stencil on it), pontoon boats with big motors etc, no electric motors but by some miracle of physics were able to get up on plane & return to the launch after their beer party/love session was over- on a 10 HP max lake. I could go on but I am sure many of you have seen these & other offense as well.

When I have approached them they always seem to lose their ability to speak ENGLISH for some reason except as I am leaving it returns in the form of vulgarities.

A lot of these offenses are due to people take advantage reduced policing of the water by F&G & MARINE POLICE due to budget cuts.

It is up to us to pick up the slack & report the instances when we see an infraction.

If your are part of the solution you are part of the problem. Use them cell phones & cameras.

My apologies if I have offended anyone with my views...just calling it as I have seen it.
Old 04-08-2015, 12:25 PM
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Default Re: The PREJUDICE comments have to stop !

let's just call them law breaking bucket brigade...they can be any race, religion, etc. I've seen it in all makes and models, then the only people you'll be offending are criminals...
Old 04-08-2015, 01:52 PM
liveitup1.75liter liveitup1.75liter is offline
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Default Re: The PREJUDICE comments have to stop !

Im gunna leave this 1 alone.. it is the real world here n ppl need thicker skin if they catch feelings
Old 04-08-2015, 03:13 PM
justin1982 justin1982 is offline
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Default Re: The PREJUDICE comments have to stop !

Since this is a fishing forum I'll be brief... As mentioned here, bucket brigade comes in all shapes and sizes. I've seen "white" or "Americans" do some messed up sh*t. That being said, in my experience, if something off color, in any situation, is going down, 9 times out of 10, the perpetrator immediately loses the ability to speak English. Not singling out a specific race but that's how it goes. I work in a kitchen and the ability to forget English is incredible. But I think the prudent thing to do is see something, say something. We are all in this together to keep our hobby/ pastime thriving. Hope you poachers are reading this.
Old 04-08-2015, 04:24 PM
bassnblues bassnblues is offline
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Default Re: The PREJUDICE comments have to stop !

The anonymity of the internet brings out the worst in people.
Old 04-08-2015, 04:35 PM
Esox Luciano Esox Luciano is offline
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Default Re: The PREJUDICE comments have to stop !

I believe this particular thread was intended for our consideration, not poachers'. However, all who read this should very well take notice.
Karma is great!! Or totally sucks!! MAKE SURE you're on the right side when the come around, comes back around. If you don't have the sand to say something directly to someone, don't hide behind this great forum, or any of the corny ones, to start getting slik!! Whether poaching, polluting, or simply posting like we are now, if you cross that line...you will get dealt with.
Keep yourself safe guys...strange things happen down by the water.
You can't catch fish from ur couch.
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