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Bedtter data needed to cope with changing ocean - NJFishing.com Your Best Online Source for Fishing Information in New Jersey

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Old 01-23-2015, 04:37 PM
newsman newsman is offline
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Default Bedtter data needed to cope with changing ocean

The National Marine Fisheries Service warns it needs better data to deal with ocean acidification and warming. It released a draft strategy for public comment. See http://www.examiner.com/article/bett...climate-change
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Old 01-23-2015, 06:40 PM
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flyersnfluke flyersnfluke is offline
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Default Re: Bedtter data needed to cope with changing ocean

"Rising sea levels, ocean acdification and warming waters are disrupting fisheries and changing the balance of marine life off the coastal United States, the draft warn"

As soon as I see wording like this I can't take the article serious. "BALANCE", what a vague and useless term, especially when it's supposed to represent science. What exactly do they mean by balance? WHat the gov't panels and the so called scientists on these panels (I'm in academia, and fight with people all of the time) need to recognize is that conditions always change, they've been changing before Man, and will change after we are gone from this planet. Species diversity and the natural ranges of species have also changed throughout history, some of it due to climatic change (which has been occurring long before we were around), some of it due to dispersal from increasing populations, and shifting/changing food resources. We should do all we can to limit pollution, but this constant bombardment about climate change and what Humans can do to alter it is folly.

This year alone there have been huge incursions of tropical fish, marine mammals, and birds, into areas of the Northern Pacific where they are rarely, if ever, found. Of course there are many who would cry out that this is due to climate change, but it is simply the result of warm water incursion from the El Nino in the Southern Pacific. ENSO patterns in the Pacific, and NAO patterns in the Atlantic (to name a few) are some of the largest contributors to variation in climate.

THe most recent climate report from the IPCC did not even include the most reliable source of data, satellite data. The satellite data does not fit the narrative for the climate brigade, so they simply leave it out.

sorry for the rant......
Hi, my name is Tom, and I'm a bait dragger.
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Old 01-24-2015, 11:32 AM
tombanjo tombanjo is offline
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Default Re: Bedtter data needed to cope with changing ocean

Originally Posted by flyersnfluke View Post
THe most recent climate report from the IPCC did not even include the most reliable source of data, satellite data. The satellite data does not fit the narrative for the climate brigade, so they simply leave it out.

sorry for the rant......
IPCC is totally corrupt. It's run out of the UN, what more do you need to know?

I don't know if NMFS are true believers but they are a gov't agency and if they want to continue to receive funding (and their own pay checks) then they need to parrot the company line. And don't apologize, this stuff is infuriating.

Obama is moving massive amounts of money in support of junk science which in reality is nothing more than a political cause designed to create a power base (young voters) and of course to line the pockets of his supporters who in turn donate back to keep them in power. Just follow the money. You think any scientist with a gov't grant will issue a report against warming? Hey, they know where their bread is buttered. Essentially the gov't pays for the finding they want and waves it around as proof they're right. The whole thing is sickening!
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