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Old 08-26-2014, 09:08 PM
bulletbob bulletbob is offline
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Default Lake Wallenpaupack

Always wanted to fish it, and had the chance on 8/26.. Wasn't expecting much, but I guess was still disappointed.. My brother and his wife rented a place on the lake for the week,... We got out at the crack of dawn,, Not knowing the lake at all, we targeted rocky points and the drops around them.. Figuring we might get a few SMB, or at least some rock bass, perch, bluegills .. We used small jigs around the rocks/docks etc, small spinners as well.. I was appalled at the lack of hits and follows.. I mean you would think at least a few small bass or a stray rock bass or perch would be around... Even nightcrawlers failed to attract any attention.. For a hard mornings fishing our total for 3 guys, was 3 or 4 very small sunnies, a LMB around 7 inches, and 1 16 inch pickeral caught from a weed bed on a Rooster Tail... The massive hordes of boats on that lake is absolutely frightening.. In conversation with other fishermen, I could see we weren't alone in our poor showing as far as catching some fish... That lake has more boats than any lake I have ever seen anywhere.. I guess I wasn't ready for that type of scenario.. i heard the lake had a lot of wipers, stripers, walleyes,pike, muskies, perch, crappies cats etc... i wasn't really ready for a puke green/brown tinted lake, with a million boats clogging it, and a 73 degree surface temp.. I know we didn't know the lake but geez, live nightcrawlers are a sure bet on any lake for a few small bass, and maybe some perch or other reasonale sized panfish, or a bullhead.. or something... Did we do something wrong, or is august just the wrong time to fish this lake?.. i will say this.. Lake Wallenpaupack is "well used"...
btw, the local tackle store sold a small pack of Eagle Claw hooks[no leader] for $9.. I can buy them anywhere else on the planet for about $3...
In any case, I must say, I was pretty disappointed.. made me feel like a hacker, not being able to even get a few hits on worms.. We tried spots for shoreline on out to about 30 feet.. Same thing everywhere... nothing... bob

Last edited by bulletbob; 08-26-2014 at 09:11 PM..
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Old 08-27-2014, 11:34 AM
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Default Re: Lake Wallenpaupack

Never fished it but I know guys that do well up there. They mostly fish on the far sides of the lake and make long runs to get away from boat traffic. The larger fish roam open water, stripers and wipers are suspending this time of year chasing bait balls. I dont bass fish but a drop shot or herring under a float is always a winner no matter where, and trolling a naked herring or drifting them around bait and marks will usually get u at least a fish or two.
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Old 08-27-2014, 11:45 AM
baetis baetis is offline
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Default Re: Lake Wallenpaupack

You may have just hit a bad day/week. I fished it 4th of July weekend, from the shore with the kids and had tons of panfish (perch, sunnies, some decent sized rock bass and small smb) on trout magnets. A lot of action considering the boat traffic and weather (cold front). I'm told to improve your odds, use herring and fish from dark until the first hour of light and/or last hour of light into dark.
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Old 08-27-2014, 02:14 PM
Capt. Lou Capt. Lou is offline
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Default Re: Lake Wallenpaupack

Maybe time of year but if u went nites probaly better shot. I have avery good friend that fishes the lake diligently for stripers in spring, not fall since he is an avid hunter.
This spring thru early summer nite anglng only, took 55 stripers to 18#'s ,heres the kicker 90% on topwater poppers!
That's all he fishes for, but has taken the other species like walleyes & bass all nite action . he tells me it doesnt get good until about mid night .
My neighbor & I gonna run up there this fall if I can pull him off a couple on NJ lakes !!!
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Old 08-27-2014, 06:50 PM
Rickhem Rickhem is offline
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Default Re: Lake Wallenpaupack

I've fished that lake for years, decades even. My parents have a house up there and the lake has done nothing but get busier and busier as time goes by.
First, it seems to be mostly a night fishery due to the boat traffic you saw yourself. And a Thursday night is often best after the lake has had a few days to calm down from the weekend. I've had good success throwing topwaters in by all the boat docks that line the lake. The lake is like glass at night and the plop-plop-plop of a jitterbug catches even in 20-25 feet of water. Walleye I catch trolling stickbaits or just hopping jigs along the bottom out in front of the state park campground, in front of the high school, or by the dike (although you lose a lot of stuff in the rocks by the dike). I havent caught any stripers even while drifting herring out in the open areas, but they do seem to show up on the fishfinder.
Sounds like you were fishing during one of the algea blooms too. That is probably two and a half strikes against you before you even started. Tough to fish in that pea soup.
Even the local clubs that used to have tournaments there would have them at night.
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Old 08-27-2014, 07:32 PM
bulletbob bulletbob is offline
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Default Re: Lake Wallenpaupack

Got it, thanks guys.. The boat pressure borders on insanity.. i would bet it fishes much better in lets say mid May to mid June on early morning week days, and then maybe mid oct -mid November, and once the tourist season is in full swing, nights only... meh, not my cup of tea.. Too many gigantic 600 HP boats doing 50 mph,.... and jets skis??? fuggettabotit... Our Finger Lakes have so much less insanity, and when the Susquehanna cools down and clears up, 30 big SMB standing on the shorline is not uncommon if you know where to go.. Still, the thought of a big fresh water striper or a 10 pound walleye... They say wallenpaupack has some very big fish......... bob
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Old 08-27-2014, 08:28 PM
Capt. Lou Capt. Lou is offline
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Default Re: Lake Wallenpaupack

Also I might add that 30+ yrs back I fished this LK extensively for trout !
We used too rent a cabin in spring & troll up some nice brownies & Wallrye !
If u know how to troll deep & use down temps probably still can catch something !
Browns , stripers & walleye have preferred temp ranges that r very close , so running the lures at proper temp will probably get one of those babies .
Cannot fight boat traffic but in spring / fall probably due Ok if u get it right.
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Old 08-27-2014, 08:51 PM
bulletbob bulletbob is offline
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Default Re: Lake Wallenpaupack

Originally Posted by Capt. Lou View Post
Also I might add that 30+ yrs back I fished this LK extensively for trout !
We used too rent a cabin in spring & troll up some nice brownies & Wallrye !
If u know how to troll deep & use down temps probably still can catch something !
Browns , stripers & walleye have preferred temp ranges that r very close , so running the lures at proper temp will probably get one of those babies .
Cannot fight boat traffic but in spring / fall probably due Ok if u get it right.
Thanks capt Lou.. I hear what you are saying.. Bottom line through is this..
I live near the Finger lakes, and we have world class trolling for salmonids.. Browns, rainbows. lakers and landlocks.. I am not much of a troller, I usually jig, and do ok.. Walleyes are plentiful in the rivers here, but its a spring and fall thing more or less.. I sometimes catch 3 or 4 in an hour standing on a rock, when conditions are right.. Light tackle, 1/4 jigs is all you need.. To deep troll on Wallenpaupack would require a big learning curve.. I probably like the idea of fishing that lake better than the reality of rigging a boat with down riggers, and then driving 2 1/2 hours down a dozen times to learn to fish it right.. Getting old and lazy ... In spring up here, you can catch big salmonids in a 14 footers and a couple flat lines... .. I am sure Wallenpaupack still gives up some great fish to those that know its secrets. I just don't feel the burn to learn.. I like the IDEA of 10 pound walleyes, but when I can get 2 pounders without a boat, I default and take the easy way out... We were looking at homes around Greentown Pa, but after seeing the pressure that is put on that lake, I think we'll pass, and I'll keep looking... bob
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Old 08-27-2014, 09:09 PM
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Default Re: Lake Wallenpaupack

Originally Posted by bulletbob View Post
We were looking at homes around Greentown Pa, but after seeing the pressure that is put on that lake, I think we'll pass, and I'll keep looking... bob
Maybe try about 20 miles north in the Honesdale area. Prompton Reservoir is nearby, which is supposed to be very good for walleye, and I've never seen that many boats on it, even in mid summer. Also, there are lots of smaller lakes around there with very good fishing, and the Dyberry and Lackawaxen rivers can be decent for trout.
Now the sun is just starting to climb up over the treetops,
And it's gonna be a beautiful day, that's plain to see.
But I won't be around at all, so don't even bother to call,
Cause on a day like today there's one place I gotta be:

Fishing with LardAlmighty on YouTube
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Old 08-28-2014, 12:04 AM
bulletbob bulletbob is offline
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Default Re: Lake Wallenpaupack

Originally Posted by Lard Almighty View Post
Maybe try about 20 miles north in the Honesdale area. Prompton Reservoir is nearby, which is supposed to be very good for walleye, and I've never seen that many boats on it, even in mid summer. Also, there are lots of smaller lakes around there with very good fishing, and the Dyberry and Lackawaxen rivers can be decent for trout.
Thanks LA... I dunno, not to get off topic, but in reality, what I REALLY want to do is get a second place closer to the NJ shore.. I thought the Poconos area would be a good compromise.. Lots of rustic places, and wooded seclusion that my lunatic wife enjoys, BUT I could be at the NJ shore in less than 2 hours, and still have some good sweet water fishing in Pa, AND the Sussex/Warren county NJ lakes and streams.. I like fresh water fishing, but my heart is really still in the salt, so I still keep an eye on Monmouth.Ocean.. Just getting so crowded, and stupid expensive though... bob
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