IT is a Nasty day .....Great time to check that Tackle
With the wind howling and the rain beating down. now would be a good time to check some of that tackle you are going to be using to land that bass of a lifetime. Old line , small nicks, not sure how long that line has been on your reel....Oh , did I say reel? has it seen any maintenance lately? ..Or was it just put in the corner of the garage or store room from the last time you used it....Stop in at ATLANTIC BAIT and TACKLE , get some new line ( we spool line on your reel while you wait) check out some of the new reels in stock, maybe match it up to a new rod .(with that tax refund you did not tell your better half about)...or if she fishes too, pick her up a new one . We have a great selection ,and I am sure we can put something together for you ...So come on down , look around , pick out a nice combo, join us for a cup of coffee..( or tea.. that's for you Kevin )....Replace that line , and lets get ready for when the weather breaks......See you at the shop ....Pete
Atlantic Bait Tackle
Formely Atlantic Highlands Bait and Tackle
Now located at
25 Route 36 East
Middletown NJ
Just passed CVS on Route 36 East