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Old 10-17-2013, 06:07 PM
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Default Capt. Ron/Tossing back gaffed fish!!!!!!!!

Every so often I have to post a rant that just pisses me off, so here goes....With the huge Blues that are being caught and the customers that don't want them, how about you bring a heavy rod with some heavier line and swing the fish like the old day's!
Toss them back to fight another day and for someone else to enjoy the fight while keeping the species sound.
Once they are gaffed and tossed back they die!!!!!!!! Now we get to see them floating all over the ocean, this is a total lack of respect and a disgusting practice in my eyes....
Can't go on further with this post, but for those who do this it will come back to bite you in the ASS big time.
"I Fish, I Vote, I Marched"

Old 10-17-2013, 06:23 PM
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Cool Re: Capt. Ron/Tossing back gaffed fish!!!!!!!!

With you 100% these guy's bring rod's and reel's they bucktail fluke with.
Old 10-17-2013, 07:03 PM
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Default Re: Capt. Ron/Tossing back gaffed fish!!!!!!!!

Do you ask/tell your customers at the beginning of the trip?

Lets face it, a lot of people on a bluefish packet are newbies or subsistence fisherman.

I would think that a quick 1 minute recourse over the PA on the importance of conservation,catch and release, the fact that most customers will not enjoy the flavor, would greatly increase the release rate without a gaff.

When I fished party boats I saw it all the time. Sacks of blues sitting in the sun, thrown in the trash..
You're dead alot longer than your alive
Old 10-17-2013, 07:13 PM
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Default Re: Capt. Ron/Tossing back gaffed fish!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Scoundrel
Do you ask/tell your customers at the beginning of the trip?

Lets face it, a lot of people on a bluefish packet are newbies or subsistence fisherman.

I would think that a quick 1 minute recourse over the PA on the importance of conservation,catch and release, the fact that most customers will not enjoy the flavor, would greatly increase the release rate without a gaff.

When I fished party boats I saw it all the time. Sacks of blues sitting in the sun, thrown in the trash..
This isn't about me....as I don't gaff Bluefish and toss them back!!! And yes, we do ask the customers if they are going to keep the fish or not. I'd rather ruin a good net or loose a rig then kill one of the hardest fighting fish in the ocean for nothing other than the glory!
"I Fish, I Vote, I Marched"

Old 10-17-2013, 07:29 PM
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Default Re: Capt. Ron/Tossing back gaffed fish!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by 1captainron
This isn't about me....
Then WHO is it?
Old 10-17-2013, 08:21 PM
tombanjo tombanjo is offline
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Default Re: Capt. Ron/Tossing back gaffed fish!!!!!!!!

Understand and agree completely Ron but I'd pay good money to see somebody swing a 20lb blue in on a PB. INCOMING!!
Old 10-17-2013, 08:41 PM
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Default Re: Capt. Ron/Tossing back gaffed fish!!!!!!!!

Let the law suits begin. I got whacked in the head by Joe Blow and the hook took out my eye.
Old 10-17-2013, 08:44 PM
RBC67 RBC67 is offline
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Default Re: Capt. Ron/Tossing back gaffed fish!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by tombanjo
Understand and agree completely Ron but I'd pay good money to see somebody swing a 20lb blue in on a PB. INCOMING!!

What he said
Old 10-17-2013, 08:59 PM
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Default Re: Capt. Ron/Tossing back gaffed fish!!!!!!!!

Duck or bleed!

No reason to kill fish for no reason!
Captain Shrimpy
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Old 10-17-2013, 09:07 PM
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Default Re: Capt. Ron/Tossing back gaffed fish!!!!!!!!

We gaff fish every night and have a one hundred percent release rate........let me finish we take the time to A. Hook the plug if at all posible or b. Take the one second to try to lip gaff it gently as possible to ensure no farther penitraton its like hooking fish and lifting them however if not done properly instant kill with a shot to the head i watch all thesr fished killed on boats doggies gaffed and slamed boats gaffing anything that swims bkues bass doggies and so on all i can say is savages. But when im old and telling fishing stories around my thanksgiving dinner with my family i can say i was one of the few that tried to have fish for the future!
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