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Old 10-12-2013, 05:22 PM
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Default Bank Beaters, BEWARE the Bear......

Had an unusual Saturday off today so I put in a couple hours of work this morning. Made our way down river pickin away at some small pike, all below 20". Then as we rounded a bend, we saw a good sized black bear hangin out by the shoreline.

Whipped out the phone and got a couple quick pics in case he took off, which he didn't. Not being a very wide stretch, as we motored by we couldn't have been more than 30/40 ft away. He never really acknowledged us but we were both holding oars just in case he charged and the motor failed, lol.

Later on, pops battled, and lost to, a real biggun pike. Got em close enough to see em and he shook it loose. Would have been hard to get a hand around his head, thick!! Ehh, maybe next time. Nice day out, couple fish, and the BEAR!!

Haulin Bass since 1985
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Old 10-12-2013, 05:33 PM
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Default Re: Bank Beaters, BEWARE the Bear......

Is that last picture called BEAR ASSED???? LOL
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Old 10-12-2013, 05:45 PM
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Default Re: Bank Beaters, BEWARE the Bear......

Wow, would never have expected that! Hate to blow up your spot, but care to share what area this was in? Always gotta have your guard up on this river I guess between the rabid foxes, cracked out bums and now freakin' black bears lol.

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Old 10-12-2013, 06:04 PM
FASTEDDIE29's Avatar
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Default Re: Bank Beaters, BEWARE the Bear......

Good stuff!!! Love the furry Black Bears. They've been sighted and dealt with in every county in NJ. Very popular along the Passaic River from the Great Swamp and all the way up. I have Black Bears 10 minutes from my house in the Watchung mountains and South Mountain Reservation. Let them be happy and free to roam, LOL! Just don't feed em a ZAGNUT, LOL!!!!
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Old 10-12-2013, 06:05 PM
msgdan msgdan is offline
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Default Re: Bank Beaters, BEWARE the Bear......

Originally Posted by Skunk City
Wow, would never have expected that! Hate to blow up your spot, but care to share what area this was in? Always gotta have your guard up on this river I guess between the rabid foxes, cracked out bums and now freakin' black bears lol.
Skunk, that cut log/tree in front of the bear is a dead give away !!! LOL. I have seen just about every other type of wildlife along the river, but I have never seen a bear. Great picture and it sounds like a good day on the river.

Danny V
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Old 10-12-2013, 06:08 PM
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Default Re: Bank Beaters, BEWARE the Bear......

Originally Posted by Skunk City
Wow, would never have expected that! Hate to blow up your spot, but care to share what area this was in? Always gotta have your guard up on this river I guess between the rabid foxes, cracked out bums and now freakin' black bears lol.
Don't forget about attacking your topwater waterfowl......It happenned to me a few weeks ago and I am glad I yanked it as I saw him coming to get my Sammy....that would have beem a nightmare......

NorthJerzyG....Isn't that a sight to see?..........glad you got to experience that in person....nothing like it......I see bears all the time and am still awestruck everytime....they are definately the most beautiful animal God has created......Oh and BTW, an oar will do you no good in case it decided to charge you...those things are so strong, it would snap that oar like a toothpick..most likely they will not attack unless the cubs are nearby and mama gets pissed///other than that, they just want their acorns and berries.......be careful and enjoy!!!
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Old 10-12-2013, 06:08 PM
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Default Re: Bank Beaters, BEWARE the Bear......

Originally Posted by msgdan
Skunk, that cut log/tree in front of the bear is a dead give away !!! LOL. I have seen just about every other type of wildlife along the river, but I have never seen a bear. Great picture and it sounds like a good day on the river.

Danny V
Yup, that cut tree is very popular!!!! Bears everywhere!!!! I pulled some nice Pike out of that tree when it was still in the water!!!
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Old 10-12-2013, 06:19 PM
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Default Re: Bank Beaters, BEWARE the Bear......

Originally Posted by FASTEDDIE29
Just don't feed em a ZAGNUT, LOL!!!!
Sounds like you and I have the same taste in movies.
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Old 10-12-2013, 08:00 PM
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Default Re: Bank Beaters, BEWARE the Bear......


Wow, that's really awesome.
I don't know the location, but I assume this is a fairly urban area which makes it even more amazing to encounter a bear.

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Old 10-12-2013, 08:49 PM
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Default Re: Bank Beaters, BEWARE the Bear......

Originally Posted by iceehot6766
Oh and BTW, an oar will do you no good in case it decided to charge you...those things are so strong, it would snap that oar like a toothpick..most likely they will not attack unless the cubs are nearby and mama gets pissed///other than that, they just want their acorns and berries....
Your probably right, but it just felt like a better option than swimming away. This was in the hook mountain rd "area". Not sure if its a heavy shore fished area but I would imagine they move around a bit.
Haulin Bass since 1985
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