Capt Cal Party Boat Belmar Fluke Report 6-1-13
It felt good to be on the water again, the water was calm in the morning, with a little breeze in the in the afternoon, the weather was warm. Today we had the Boys Scout Troop 114 aboard for their annual fishing trip, they all had a good had a good time catching their keeper and short fluke. Our drift was from .6 to 1.0 kts. more good news, the pool winner was Mark Nowacki from West Milford with his 3 1/2 lb fluke.Gary Kulisek had 3 keepers, others had several keepers each. Squid and spearing were effective bait today. I forgot to mention that some areas had more short fluke then others We leave at 7.30 am No reservations required, just walk aboard. We supply the free bait, and rod rentals are available..
Join us for a fun day..
Party Boat Captain Cal II
Sailing Daily From The Belmar Marina