Sea Horse - Slow Fishing Today!
Today's weather was very windy, NW winds, 20 - 25 mph. The shorts bit well but we only had 8 - 10 keepers. The tide was against the wind all day making tough conditions. We had lots of blackfish but had to throw them all back. Get ready for fluke starting Saturday! Starting Saturday and Sunday afternoons, and only Saturday and Sunday afternoons, we are starting the afternoon fluke trips. We are sailing from 3:30 pm TO 8:00 pm. Bait is included in the fare. The fare for the afternoon trip is $42.00 for adults and $37.00 for Seniors. Kids are $30.00 - age 12 and under. Sunday's pool winner was Jim Burke from South Brunswick.
Capt. Edward Bunting
The Sea Horse
Sailing Daily~Atlantic Highlands Municipal Harbor