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Old 04-14-2012, 11:28 PM
danyeo danyeo is offline
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Default Passaic river between Berkeley Heights/Chatham.

Hello all, I've been lurking here but finally registered. I'm originally from Monmouth County but I've lived in Berkley Heights for a few years now, I'm right up the street from Seeley's Pond although I never fish there.

I can't help but notice all the Passaic threads and the Pike you guys are catching but is there anything besides carp and catfish in my area? I've fished a couple of spots in Berkeley Heights and caught a few carp, but that's it. The river isn't wide up here and it often looks like Chocolate Milk. I've thrown a rapala in a few times but never got any hits. I've been worried actually because in a few spots I fished there's always a beaver or muskrat swimming around, don't want to hook that.

And Seeley's......I prefer to just go over to Lake Surprise. I've caught some bass and pickeral there but nothing big.

Also, since a lot of you seem to know your Pickeral and Pike, how big can a Pickeral get? I found an old picture of myself with a Pickeral I caught on a private lake in upstate NY and I remember wondering if it could have been a Pike? It was 28 inches long and I caught it with a 6 or 7 inch long Bluegill. It was a Boy Scout camp so the lake was off limits to the public and it was infested with hungry Pickeral. I guess I should look at the coloring and marking of that fish again.
Old 04-15-2012, 12:28 AM
msgdan msgdan is offline
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Default Re: Passaic river between Berkeley Heights/Chatham.

Welcome to the site and yes the Passaic holds many species. I have not caught many pickerel in the Passaic, but I have caught a few in the past few years. Here is one that my friend caught last week when I "guided " him for his first Passaic pike (he was blindfolded of course). The state record is 9 lbs. 3 ozs. and I really think this pickerel was close to that. His gut looked like it had 5 suckers in him and this fish was just about 30 inches.

Danny V
Old 04-15-2012, 01:34 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Passaic river between Berkeley Heights/Chatham.

Welcome to the site.

Take the time and go back over the other pages from past years on here, all good stuff.
Old 10-07-2012, 06:27 PM
aluislugo aluislugo is offline
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Default Re: Passaic river between Berkeley Heights/Chatham.

I live near the Kayak launch on Synder near River Road in Berkeley Heights. Anyway, I have seen people fishing there and have heard stories of some big muskies coming out of here. Can anybody confirm? I also went fishing there this saturday and sunday but no luck except for two small sunnies on worms. I also tried several different artificial lures and no luck either. Any help or advice for fishing this area would be greatly appreciated.
Old 10-08-2012, 01:52 PM
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Default Re: Passaic river between Berkeley Heights/Chatham.

Funny this thread shows up now. I was just there on Saturday afternoon.

I was too hung over to do a real fishing trip, so I decided to fish in town. I just parked across from the sewer plant on Snyder Ave and walked along that path downstream. I haven't fished the Passiac since I was in high school.

I didn't catch a damn thing. The weather was gloomy and overcast. The water was completely barren of fish. I left there feeling depressed.

As near as I can figure, none of the pike stocked down stream make it past all the dams and get to Berkeley Heights. The nearest dam is in Summit or Chatham.

I know a guy who caught a small pike on the opening day of trout season in Summit on the Passiac, but I'm not sure exactly where he was fishing.

As a kid, I used to sit on the banks and throw out a handful of whole-kernal canned sweet corn and catch a lot carp in the 5-10 pound range. There were also a lot of Yellow Bullhead Catfish in the river.

As far as Seeley's Pond goes, I go there every year for opening day of trout season for the past 22 years. The trouble is that there are a few sure-fire, guaranteed spots on that lake where the trout accumulate and people show up earlier and earlier every year to claim those spots. This year, I showed up over an hour before the 8:00 a.m. opening and ALL the good spots were occupied.

One guy had a propane stove and was cooking breakfast! I can't imagine what time some of those people get there. It's like those people who wait outside the Apple Store to be the first to buy a new model of iPhone, except there just sitting in the cold waiting hours and hours for the 8:00 a.m. opening. I expect to see people camping overnight there soon. Then there is always that guy who shows up at 7:55 and practically sits in your lap to get to the good spot. I hate urban fishing.

I'm not seeing any evidence of poaching anymore at Seeley's Pond. A bunch of years back, only a few fish were caught there on opeing day. Some poachers had stolen almost all the trout before opening day. I caught a single trout and that was already gut hooked with a few inches of line coming out of his mouth. I showed the game warden (or whatever he was) and he just shrugged and said they couldn't be everywhere all the time. As I said, this was a long time ago and every opeing day has produced trout there for me since then.
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Old 10-08-2012, 05:53 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Passaic river between Berkeley Heights/Chatham.

There are no PIKE anywhere near union county. I would suggest going downstream to Little Falls or somewhere in that area.
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Old 10-08-2012, 07:02 PM
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Default Re: Passaic river between Berkeley Heights/Chatham.

As far as I knew, there were pike any where between Livingston/Chatham area all the way downstream past Dundee into the tidal waters? Maybe I'm wrong.

Also, you can tell the pressure has picked up in the woodland park/little falls area. I'm starting to see postings were there never was any before?
Haulin Bass since 1985
Old 10-09-2012, 02:07 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Passaic river between Berkeley Heights/Chatham.

All PIKE in stated area have been abducted by aliens. It was on the news. Really!!!
"Go BIG or go HOME"
Old 10-09-2012, 02:54 PM
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Default Re: Passaic river between Berkeley Heights/Chatham.

Originally Posted by FASTEDDIE29
All PIKE in stated area have been abducted by aliens. It was on the news. Really!!!
Saw that on News 12 too Eddie! Blame it on Obama!!!

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Old 10-09-2012, 04:37 PM
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Default Re: Passaic river between Berkeley Heights/Chatham.

And if it couldn't get any worse, Camp Lane ramp is now officially posted Private Property!!!!! Ugghhh, what's the point of having a great fishery if it's not fishable???
Haulin Bass since 1985
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