Lake Musconetcong 5/5
OK so I'm a couple of days behind schedule. Went to Lake Musconetcong Sat with the wife. Fished from 10 AM to 6 PM....She wasn't leaving until she got at least one. Well she finally did around 4:30..In the mean time I caught 10 LM and a Pickeral. Most fish in the 1.5 to 2 lb range with a 4 lb fatty coming at about 5PM. I'm glad she made me stay. Turned out to be a really nice day the action starting in the afternoon when it got warm. All fish on a black with blue fleck senko texas rigged with a 1/8th ounce bullet weight. They were on the outside edges of the lily pads furthest from the bank. Some still yet to spawn but the big gal was actually spawned out. Seems like that lake is coming back compared to the last couple years.