Originally Posted by dogfish246
Are butterworms like mealworms? Where do you get butterworms?
Not anything like mealworms. Mealworms dry up in a few days. Butterworms stay for months in the refrigerator. I get my butterworms from Elliotsbutterworms.com I've been buying them from him for years. He sends fishermen fat juicy ones and the smaller ones get sent to reptile people. They were originally sold as a dessert for all types of reptiles because they are high in protein. You can save 65% compared to what bait stores sell them for. And the bait stores are on the small size where you would have to use two on a hook.
I actually first bought them for ice fishing many years ago. They are great panfish bait when put on a small jig like a dot or swedish pimple. I've caught thousands of perch, crappie, blue gills, bass and catfish through the ice with them. I carry them in a chew tobacco can when I fish leaving the rest in the refrigerator. Works great.