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Old 10-01-2009, 07:42 PM
broken bobber's Avatar
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Post Weakfish Management Information

The following is a news release from the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission:


Washington, DC -- Draft Addendum IV to Amendment 4 to the Interstate Fishery Management Plan for Weakfish is now available for public comment at http://www.asmfc.org/breakingNews.htm. The Draft Addendum proposes a range of options to revise the management program's biological reference points and reduce the level of fishery removals. It was developed in response to the findings of the 2009 weakfish stock assessment which shows weakfish stocks at an all time low and current fishery removals unsustainable under existing stock conditions.Public comment will be accepted until 5 PM EST on October 30, 2009 and should be forwarded to Nichola Meserve at nmeserve@asmfc.org (Subject line: Weakfish Draft Addendum IV).
Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children.


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Old 11-16-2009, 07:13 PM
Kensdock Kensdock is offline
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Default Re: Weakfish Management Information

ASMFC Weakfish Board Adopts Addendum IV in Response to
Depleted Stock Status
Newport, Rhode Island – The Commission’s Weakfish Management Board approved measures to
reduce exploitation by over 50 percent in both the recreational and commercial sectors. Addendum IV
requires states to implement a one fish recreational creel limit, 100 pound commercial trip limit, 100
pound commercial bycatch limit during closed seasons, and 100 undersized fish per trip allowance for
the finfish trawl fishery. All other management measures previously adopted to conserve the stock and
reduce bycatch remain in effect.
The Board’s action comes in response to the stock status of weakfish. A recent peer-reviewed
assessment found the weakfish stock to be depleted, with spawning stock biomass estimated to be three
percent of an unfished stock, well below the 20 percent threshold and 30 percent target reference points
also approved by the Board as part of Addendum IV. The decline in biomass reflects a sustained rise in
natural mortality after 1995, rather than fishing mortality which has been modest and stable over the
same time period.
“The Board received a significant amount of public comment supporting a coastwide moratorium. In
recognition of this, it chose to implement measures that would discourage directed fishing, limit bycatch
mortality, and ensure that critical sampling programs remain on track,” stated Board Chair Roy Miller.
While the decline appears to have resulted from a change in the natural mortality of weakfish in recent
years, it is further exacerbated by continued removals by commercial and recreational fisheries.
However, given the high mortality levels, the stock is also unlikely to recover rapidly. The Addendum’s
measures are intended to reduce the level of harvest without creating a large amount of discards.
Addendum IV will be available via the Commission’s website at www.asmfc.org under Breaking News
by November 15. For more information, please contact Nichola Meserve, Fishery Management Plan
Coordinator, at (202) 289-6400 or nmeserve@asmfc.org.
Old 11-16-2009, 08:39 PM
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Detour66 Detour66 is offline
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Default Re: Weakfish Management Information

Yes weakfish where hard to come by this year....but there where few around.

Just another species off the list....lets see that leaves???? Hmmm???

Also I wonder how they limit bycatch ????

Throw them back dead in the water?
Old 11-17-2009, 09:27 AM
CaptTB CaptTB is offline
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Default Re: Weakfish Management Information

Originally Posted by Kensdock
ASMFC Weakfish Board Adopts Addendum IV in Response to
Depleted Stock Status............
This was already covered HERE almost 2 weeks ago, but thanks for re-posting it anyway. Keeps it up in people's view.

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