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Old 10-30-2009, 10:37 AM
CaptTB CaptTB is offline
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Default A call "For Help" and "To Help"

In a previous thread I asked the question "Where is the Support?"

In that thread I made the following statement to end my comments:
Originally Posted by CaptTB
While "unity" is a word that has been tossed around a lot, and quite a lot lately, there is one thing I have seen before, many many times before, and am seeing again already.

Groups taking "other approaches" to dealing with the same problem.

THAT my friends is NOT unity!

What is, however, is groups SUPPORTING the "other approaches" of those fighting a given battle. No one said there was only one way to skin this cat, but when EACH GROUP takes their own path WITHOUT supporting others fighting the same fight it is more of the SAME OLD SAME OLD we have seen for years in recreational fisheries.

If different groups have different spheres of influence or different areas of expertise then lets SUPPORT THE ACTIONS of those groups while SIMULTANEOUSLY working in our own way to achieve the same goal!!

To say "we are taking a different approach" may mean you or he or she is working on the issue, but not in a UNIFIED WAY!

Work on the problem as you see fit and in a way you think YOU can best deal with the issue at hand. But, why do that WITHOUT supporting others working on the same issue?

I never questioned anyone's approach to dealing with this issue since to date, no one else has even offered a "different approach" to dealing with it! What I DID DO is question the LACK of support from others of those already fighting this fight and the efforts they are making, the measures they have already taken.

Together we stand, divided we FAIL.

Enough said.
I was told by the chairman of the NJOA that at their ROOR rally they would discuss the Sea Bass issue. I was also told that, as far as other organizations' support of the current Sea Bass lawsuit that:
Originally Posted by apmaurosr
It might also be, as with the NJOA, some organizations are taking a different apporach to the problem. But, this is only my opinion.
Here we are nearly a week after the rally and it is now time to ask two questions:

1) What "different approach" is NJOA taking to deal with the Sea Bass closure, SO WE CAN ALL SUPPORT THAT ACTION?

2) Will the NJOA in turn support the actions already being taken by other groups?

It's time to put up or shut up here people. If NJOA, JCAA, RFA, YMCA you name it is fighting the fight then I would like to know how so I can decide if their course(s) of action are worth supporting. In addition, I would love to see the "unity" that is so often touted by various groups by their PUBLIC support of the actions already being taken. If they are unwilling to support those actions, at least an explanation as to why would, in my opinion, be appropriate.

Not everyone will agree with every course of action being taken, so if there is no "unified support" for the actions being taken let's discuss why.

I await the answers to my 2 questions. The action United Boatmen and RFA are taking(at least the initial action) is already out there and going on as we speak, so you all know what I am doing and supporting.

I am hoping to see actions taken by every group imaginable, even if that is just supporting another group, this way I can have more than one place to put my support.

Capt. Tony Bogan

PS: This is NOT an attack on anyone or any group, this is a genuine call "for help" in our fight and "to help" any other groups that are fighting this fight. Since I cannot find any information anywhere else as to other courses of action being taken, I figured here was a great place to start!

Last edited by CaptTB; 10-30-2009 at 10:43 AM..
Old 10-30-2009, 11:53 AM
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Default Re: A call "For Help" and "To Help"

Tony, I attended the rally and Tom Fote was there to talk about the sea bass closure, as was Pete Grimbilas from reef rescue to talk about getting commercial pots off the reefs.

After attending the rally I believe NJOA main objectives are based here on the NJ state level, where they feel we need a severe change in Nj government policy.
Right now im sure they are putting forth every effort to Get Chris Christie elected Next Tuesday, so change in favor of outdoorsman can happen.

The fight the are pushing for is happening in just 4 more days, and im sure they will not (nor should they ) stop to look at other issues going on right now.

I talked briefly with Ant at the rally, and he agreed we have to fight on both the national level as well as the state level.
NJOA is more involved on the state level and also is trying to educate sportsman to why wee need to watch both areas equally.
There is no doubt that policing what is going on in NJ is just as important.

Thats why I have also joined the NJOA as well as the RFA.
Captain Dan Bias
Reelmusic IV

Fifty pound + , Striped Bass live release club

Last edited by hammer4reel; 10-30-2009 at 11:55 AM..
Old 10-30-2009, 11:58 AM
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Default Re: A call "For Help" and "To Help"

Just got done posting something of the same in a few forums

I was shocked when i looked at other "Groups Clubs and Organizations Websites

Most are updated pretty regularly.

Many fail to make any mention of the seabass closure any actions or show any support of the rfa lawsuit...

If groups arent doing anything to help the situation besides putting up a letter saying feds close seabass. They could at least show support for groups Like Rfa and United boatmen that are.

Or let everyone know what they are trying to do to resolve the issue so people could support them!

I am not on any board (just a supporter) of groups that fight for fisherman so i will be first to admit that i dont know the politics of it (groups joining together)

But i find it hard to believe all groups fighting for fisherman cant get together on this.

If nothing is done promptly and the sebass closure just continues it just sets a precedent other fisheries at other times
Fish Monger Charters
Custom 46 x 16 --- 21 knt Cruise --- Licensed for 37 Passengers --- Fishing Groups from 6-15 Passengers. Cruises to 30 Passengers
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Old 10-30-2009, 01:04 PM
dales529 dales529 is offline
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Default Re: A call "For Help" and "To Help"

Originally Posted by hammer4reel
Tony, I attended the rally and Tom Fote was there to talk about the sea bass closure, as was Pete Grimbilas from reef rescue to talk about getting commercial pots off the reefs.

After attending the rally I believe NJOA main objectives are based here on the NJ state level, where they feel we need a severe change in Nj government policy.
Right now im sure they are putting forth every effort to Get Chris Christie elected Next Tuesday, so change in favor of outdoorsman can happen.

The fight the are pushing for is happening in just 4 more days, and im sure they will not (nor should they ) stop to look at other issues going on right now.

I talked briefly with Ant at the rally, and he agreed we have to fight on both the national level as well as the state level.
NJOA is more involved on the state level and also is trying to educate sportsman to why wee need to watch both areas equally.
There is no doubt that policing what is going on in NJ is just as important.

Thats why I have also joined the NJOA as well as the RFA.
Not picking on your post (good points were made) and fully support your joining of the NJOA.
Two points or questions however:
1) What is the NJOA Plan B IF Christie loses come Tuesday? How are they going to work with a "new governor" Again what is plan B?
2) Why is so difficult for them to OPENLY and ACTIVELY endorse or support the RFA Legal Defense on the Sea Bass issue. I cant see that taking a huge amount of time.
Again I dont think anyone here is knocking any groups, just looking for UNITY on the major issues while understanding each group has its own issues as well. However there needs to be enough time for all of it before all we have is TIME.
RFA-NJ Member
Old 10-30-2009, 01:31 PM
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Default Re: A call "For Help" and "To Help"

Originally Posted by dales529
Not picking on your post (good points were made) and fully support your joining of the NJOA.
Two points or questions however:
1) What is the NJOA Plan B IF Christie loses come Tuesday? How are they going to work with a "new governor" Again what is plan B?
2) Why is so difficult for them to OPENLY and ACTIVELY endorse or support the RFA Legal Defense on the Sea Bass issue. I cant see that taking a huge amount of time.
Again I dont think anyone here is knocking any groups, just looking for UNITY on the major issues while understanding each group has its own issues as well. However there needs to be enough time for all of it before all we have is TIME.
But that is the problem, they do have differnet agendas , I dont see the NJOA aking why the RFA hasnt got the pots off the reef ?

Both levels have to be fought,
im sure Ant will answer for himself and the NJOA as he knows whats going on there daily, I just joined there after seeing how hard they are working here in NJ.

But IM sure that they feel their efforts right now have to be 100% towards trying to get the RIGHT Gov. in office.
As big as the sea bass issue is there are other things going on at the state level just as important for outdoorsman, and they are doing ALOT of work with just a few people.

Shame more guys are not showing stock in the outdoors, we would have a much BIGGER voice if we gave it five minutes of effort.

Everyday im involved I learn 10 more things going on, its a good thing we have guys fighting on all fronts !!!!!!!!!!!

WE need to stop questioning why certailn groups fight a certain way until you get some info and understand what they are fighting.

I havent seen anything here about the Mis appropriated shellfish funds here that Corzine just got caught misallowcating 850 thousand dollars from, ( other than what was posted here by the NJOA.)
Captain Dan Bias
Reelmusic IV

Fifty pound + , Striped Bass live release club

Last edited by hammer4reel; 10-30-2009 at 02:26 PM..
Old 10-30-2009, 02:12 PM
CaptTB CaptTB is offline
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Default Re: A call "For Help" and "To Help"

Originally Posted by hammer4reel
But that is the problem, they do have differnet agendas , I dont see the NJOA aking why the RFA hasnt got the pots off the reef ?
First let me say that I understand what you said and applaud your getting involved and joining.

But, to the first quote above, NJOA has taken it upon themselves to become active in Salt Water fisheries to a degree, so I would hope they will ask what RFA and UB and every other group is doing.

But IM sure that they feel their efforts right now have to be 100% towards trying to get the RIGHT Gov. in office.
Perhaps, and I would not normally fault someone for something like that. However.....

As big as the sea bass issue is there are other things going on at the state level just as important for outdoorsman, and they are doing ALOT of work with just a few people.
And therein lies the reason I posted this thread, because the NJOA made a POINT OF USING THE SEA BASS CLOSURE AS THE HEADLINE FOR THEIR MASS E-MAIL FOR THEIR ROOR RALLY. I was later told to wait for the "different approach" that NJOA is taking.

My post was a request for more information on that approach so I may support it after finding out what it is they are doing, and any other actions being taken by other groups on this issue.

WE need to stop questioning why certailn groups fight a certain way until you get some info and understand what they are fighting.
Agreed, except too often other groups are trying to subvert the actions of one group to further their own agenda. It has happened many times before. (NJOA did not exist at that time, so I am not talking about them) In the case of NJOA I was merely asking what approach are they taking in fighting a fight THEY THEMSELVES held up as a reason to go to their rally and get involved, so my purpose was exactly what you said, finding out what they are fighting and how they are fighting it, and asking for their support in return for the actions already being taken.

I havent seen anything here about the Mis appropriated shellfish funds here that Corzine just got caught misallowcating 850 thousand dollars from
The thread was posted in the fisheries management forum yesterday.

Last edited by CaptTB; 10-30-2009 at 02:20 PM..
Old 10-30-2009, 02:24 PM
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Default Re: A call "For Help" and "To Help"

Should have said other than what was posted by the NJOA was said about this Misappropriated money.
My point was each group is SEEING things going on here that others groups are missing.

Hopefully by getting guys together that represent both interests there can me more unified fighting .

It all comes down to ALL the orginazations are working with a skeleton crew of WILLING workers,
and ANYONE who loves the outdoors needs to stand up a little and help in what ever way they can

Hopefully Ant can tell you more of what is going on through the NJOA, I can only explain what I heard at the rally and have read elseware,
Captain Dan Bias
Reelmusic IV

Fifty pound + , Striped Bass live release club

Last edited by hammer4reel; 10-30-2009 at 02:28 PM..
Old 10-30-2009, 05:06 PM
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Default Re: A call "For Help" and "To Help"

Lots of groups do alot of good things for fisherman... Many different fights and all are noble causes. But Different fights have to take priority at times no?

A federal closure at a snap of a finger for most of the eastern seaboard on Seabass. One of the most popular species people fish fish on a stock that most consider healthy and plentiful.

A few groups get right on it and try to fight it with the best way they can and come up with a lawsuit approach...

Why cant everyone just come out in the open and support them even if those groups are fighting other issues... put something on there site to spread the word and educate more people.. which could help with donations etc.

Or Let us know the other approach they are taking so people can support them...

In this particular case (black seabass) if something is not done quickly... It will be another severe economic loss for the fishing industry... Which could just locally could potential put Some party boats who rely on the winter time seabass (a stock which most believe is healthy) as well a laundry of others out of business.

Should be easy to see the severity in that and easier to join together on?

I am not trying to downplay any specific group or the hard work of many other groups or many of the good causes they work for! Tons of issues all which are important and all appreciated.

On a state level (Lookin at Just NJ) It is hurtin a lot of anglers and businesses.
Fish Monger Charters
Custom 46 x 16 --- 21 knt Cruise --- Licensed for 37 Passengers --- Fishing Groups from 6-15 Passengers. Cruises to 30 Passengers
South Side Marina, Pt Pleasant NJ
Capt. Jerry (732) 688-0765
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Old 10-30-2009, 06:29 PM
dales529 dales529 is offline
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Default Re: A call "For Help" and "To Help"

Originally Posted by Capt. Jerry P
Lots of groups do alot of good things for fisherman... Many different fights and all are noble causes. But Different fights have to take priority at times no?

A federal closure at a snap of a finger for most of the eastern seaboard on Seabass. One of the most popular species people fish fish on a stock that most consider healthy and plentiful.

A few groups get right on it and try to fight it with the best way they can and come up with a lawsuit approach...

Why cant everyone just come out in the open and support them even if those groups are fighting other issues... put something on there site to spread the word and educate more people.. which could help with donations etc.

Or Let us know the other approach they are taking so people can support them...

In this particular case (black seabass) if something is not done quickly... It will be another severe economic loss for the fishing industry... Which could just locally could potential put Some party boats who rely on the winter time seabass (a stock which most believe is healthy) as well a laundry of others out of business.

Should be easy to see the severity in that and easier to join together on?

I am not trying to downplay any specific group or the hard work of many other groups or many of the good causes they work for! Tons of issues all which are important and all appreciated.

On a state level (Lookin at Just NJ) It is hurtin a lot of anglers and businesses.
Well said Capt! With any situation in life be it a business, a family etc there are always a multitude of issues. Its a matter of which issue is the most severe and requires the most attention and IMHO the fishing issue is at the federal level MSA.
RFA-NJ Member
Old 11-01-2009, 10:42 AM
CaptTB CaptTB is offline
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Default Re: A call "For Help" and "To Help"

This in from the NJOA Chairman:
Originally Posted by apmaurosr
Hi CaptTB

Feel free to copy and paste my response to your question, since you've asked it on other forums and I have provided an answer.

The NJOA supports any initiative that benefits angling, hunting, forestry, marine ecology, environmental stewardship as long as the principles of conservation weigh appropriately into the decision.

There are many ways to skin a cat, the RFA, United Boatmen, commercial interestes, etc. may take one course of action - other groups like the NJOA (that is state focused) have other avenues at their disposal. The NJOA is pursuing the sea bass closure from an educational standpoint (educating anglers, hunters, conservationists, NJ legislators, etc.) about the closure. We are also targeting our efforts at influencing key people locally. (Yes, there is, are, a local influence.)

While a lawsuit is one approach our approach is from a different direction (I don't think it wise to announce our strategy on an internet forum.) Together, we may all help to make a difference in the long run. As you wrote, the sea bass closure in one of several issues discussed at the rally.

Similarly, we haven't seen support from United Boatmen on removing commercial gear from the reefs. We don't assume there is lack of support by United Boatment - it might just be that it is not a priority or perhaps it is being approached from a different angle or maybe there's a conflict - we don't assume to know. The NJOA is dedicating its efforts at the state level (Gov., DEP and DFW) and is attempting to leverage any influence from the state back on the federal government for those reefs in federal waters.

Anyway, we at the NJOA wish the RFA, United Boatmen and commercial interests success on raising funds for litigation. Hopefully the length of time ligigation entails can make a diference in the short term, as well as the long term. In the interim, the NJOA will pursue an alternate course of action.

Again, feel free to copy and paste this response to on the other forums where you are asking such questions.


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