Had to cover a bunch of drops to find the hungry ones and get it done today....
Big Fluke once again with Mustachio Richie taking another pool with a beautiful 6-pound 13-ounce fish, close call between himself and John who landed another 6-pound 9-ounce fish. Third fish went 6 pounds 3 ounces. Couple 3–5-pound fish in the mix as well.
Several guys with their three and then some, including Pete, Rich and John. Bunch of guys with 2 and plenty of shorts by days end!
Wasn't easy though, it did take all day and we put in some overtime in search mode to find them. The guys never quit!!
WE ARE SAILING TOMORROW!! 7:30am-2:30pm. Open Boat, No Reservations just come on down. Fare is $90, Rod Rentals $10.
Don't miss the Bite,
Capt. Ron