Hey gang, what a difference a day makes. After being out in that I'mNorth 25mph wind yesterday and only having a handful of keepers - today was the opposite. Beautiful day, top 10 with a nice breeze all day. Steven and Kevin had 6 keeper fluke and had their limit. Regular, Kevin Rogan landed a beauty in the 7lb. class today and will be leading the monthly and seasonal pool. We have to wait until we get to the dock to get the official weight. It was a pleasure to have Dave Brink from Middletown on the boat today. He landed a couple of nice flatties and had a big knucklehead. Some really nice sea bass in the mix today with non-stop short action all day. Had a lot of guys with doubles today. Looking forward to getting back out on the grounds tomorrow. Can't wait. So, let's go gofishing, it's going to be another beautiful day out on the ocean and for the rest week as well. Come down and join us. We leave at 7:30 a.m. sharp return at 2:30. Fare is $90. Thanks, Capt. Scott - PS we ended the day in the low 30s with the keeper fluke.
Prowler 5
Sailing Daily From Altantic Highlands
(732) 245-6514
Last edited by Prowler 5; 08-21-2024 at 02:05 PM..
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