Hot Fluke Bite 9/10
Was part of a 6 man charter on a NS out of Neptune yesterday. Experienced one of the hottest fluke bites I’ve encountered in a while. Started fishing @ 6:30 AM and within @ 45 minutes we had our limit of overs to #8.5. Less than 2 minutes after lines in, I put the first fish in the box with a nice 21”er. Happy soon followed with a double header of keepers. No sooner had those 2 been put on ice then I had another solid hook up and within a nano second so did Patrick & Marty. My fish was a shade over #6, Patrick’s was a shade under #6 and Marty took the prize with his #8.5. By @ 9:45 we limited the boat with both overs & under. In the interum we released at 15 overs (with several in the #4-6 class) and too many shorts each to count. We continued to catch & release the rest of the day but by then it was mostly shorts and slots. We were about to head in early @11 but there was a line of severe storms along the beach (saw a great lightening show) so we fished until they moved out. Back in the slip @1 9after waiting for a bit for one of the bridges to open.
All fish were caught on a bucktail/teaser rig tipped with GULP grubs.
Funny, I dropped 4 really good fish and those are the ones that I thought about all last evening. LOL