FISHERMEN/New Monthly Pool leader....Awesome Day once again!! Friday
Goes to show how the customers appreciate my reports....
Two weeks ago I said "Don't wait for the report, be the Report". The past couple of trips it has all come together.
We left the dock early with a good crowd of Fishermen Regulars. Those who jumped ship missed a good 45 minutes of an awesome bite!
Had perfect conditions right from the start and the bite was on. Eric had his 3 on the first days end there were several customers with their 3 and then some.
Ken Peters had his three and took the daily pool and is the new Monthly pool lead with a beauty at 5 pounds 7 ounces. Lots of Great pics tonight as they always tell the story! Get here early in the AM, get your spot 1 Rod only at the rail, when we have our customers, we sail!
7:30am till 3:00pm. Open Boat, No Reservations just come on down. Fare is $90, Rod Rental $10.